I'm trying to use Camel embedded into an application (Spring configured) to 
push files from  a local directory to an instance of RabbitMQ. It's been 
working well so far, except in the case where RabbitMQ is not available for 
some reason (network outage, maintenance, etc.), and our application is 
started. In this case, Camel is unable to start because the endpoint is not 
available (FailedToCreateProducerException resulting from a "connection 

Is it possible to recover from such an error? The ideal situation would be to 
allow a configuration where redelivery attempts could be made in the hope that 
RabbitMQ will become available again. Our application that is using Camel is 
deployed on several hundred workstations and it would be necessary to configure 
Camel in such a way that recovery (reconnect to Rabbit) would be automatic.

Any ideas? There doesn't appear to be a way to configure Camel using the 
available Exception handling strategies to operate in this manner, although my 
guess is that I've missed something.


        - Matt

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