
I am using Camel 2.24.3 and RabbitMQ 3.17.7.   I have been able to
successfully build a Camel program to ingest data from my input source and
send the results to RabbitMQ.   I am happy with the results.  Now I am
required to use SSL between my Camel program and RabbitMQ. Both my Camel
program and RabbitMQ Server are on the same Windows 10 machine.

1. I have configured RabbitMQ to expect TLS connections at port 5671 and I
am pretty sure this is working because the rabbitmq utilities are working
and give me the diagnostics I expect.
2. What I am less sure of is the configuration of my Camel context file.

I have added two beans to my context to enable me to work with SSL and

                 <bean id="clientConnectionFactory"
                <property name="useSSL" value="true" />

        <bean id="rabbitConnectionFactory"
                <property name="host"
                        value="#{systemEnvironment['AMQP_BROKER_HOST']}" />
                <property name="port"
                        value="#{systemEnvironment['AMQP_BROKER_PORT']}" />
                <property name="username"
                <property name="password"

I am pretty sure this is correct.   I know the rabbitConnectionFactory is
correct because it is what I use for the non-SSL version.  Here is part of
the route that I have my question:

ol=true&amp;hostname=localhost" />

I have only added two parameters to my non-SSL route - the sslProtocol and

1. I tried just sslProtocol by itself and the error output said I needed a
2. I added the hostname and now the error output says:  "Address is invalid
on local machine, or port is not valid remote machine"
3. A google search has not yielded anything that I have found to fix the
problem.  I am still searching, however I thought posting here might be a
good idea.

Phil Willemann

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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