stream result of iterator to a file

2013-08-20 Thread anoordover
I have two questions: I would like to stream the result of an iterator to a file. I succeeded in doing that using a split with a factory class that creates my iterator. The name of the file is set dynamically in the header of the exchange. So far I have no problem at all. But I also want to write

convert empty string to null w3c document

2013-07-15 Thread anoordover
Is it possible to convert an empty string to a null w3c document using for example cbr? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: large war or several smaller wars

2013-05-13 Thread anoordover
My JNDI solution doesn't seem to work. It seems as though I get a serialized object from JNDI. As I start producing messages new connections are created. Instead of reusing the pooledConnections. What i did is: 1. created a separate project that registers a

Re: large war or several smaller wars

2013-05-11 Thread anoordover
I think i found a solution (still implementing it). 1. Create a war that uses spring to create a amqjndipooledtransactionfactory 2. Inside this use a jndiexporter that can be found on the internet to export this bean to jndi 3. Inside jboss-web.xml in other wars define a depedency to the war of

Re: large war or several smaller wars

2013-05-10 Thread anoordover
Currently we create beans for interacting with activemq in each project. So a lot of poolConnectionFactories get created. This creates a lot of connections to activemq and we also must invest a lot to change this configuration. The pro to this aproach is that change can be implemented standalone

Re: large war or several smaller wars

2013-05-10 Thread anoordover
I was already looking into using JNDI for registering an AmqJNDIPooledConnectionFactory but I couldn't find out how to register this using an existing ActiveMQConnectionFactory (spring bean). Does anybody have an example? Preben.Asmussen wrote Seems like it would be nice to have a connection

Re: large war or several smaller wars

2013-05-10 Thread anoordover
Sorry. I didn't realize that the environment would make such a difference. We have jboss 5 as and activemq standalone running. Until now i couldn't find an easy way to register a pooledconnection in jndi inside jboss as i suppose i need to do. -- View this message in context:

business case for migration

2012-09-24 Thread anoordover
As a java-developer I think it is very important to migrate when new versions are released. Currently we are running camel 2.4.2. I think that we should migrate to 2.9 or 2.10, but I find it hard to define a business-case for this. So sell that migration is neccesary. How should I support it that

transactional client when hiding infrastructure

2012-08-01 Thread anoordover
We use camel for hiding our infrastructure, which means that we call one or more interface methods from java to put messages on a queue. In our current configuration we do two method calls in one java-method. Each call puts a message on a queue. I am trying to put the two method calls in one

classloading in jboss and activemq component

2012-06-13 Thread anoordover
I recall that allthough the classloading in camel 2.8 is resolved in camel for JBoss that in that version of activemq there still remained an issue with classloading in the activemq component. I recall that there was an jira issue created. Can anybody help me to find it. This issue is a blocker

Re: classloading in jboss and activemq component

2012-06-13 Thread anoordover
Can you explain how the cache level is shared among several war's? I can not find any static fields that contain this level. In what class can I find this? -- View this message in context: Sent

Enriching invocationbean gives null body

2012-06-04 Thread anoordover
We use Camel 2.4.0 to hide infrastructure. So camel sends an InvocationBean over JMS. When an exception is raised we want to enrich the message on the DLQ with information about the exception being raised. To do this we configure an onException in spring xml. If we do nothing in this

Re: Enriching invocationbean gives null body

2012-06-04 Thread anoordover
I was expecting this reaction. It doesn't matter. I've found a solution: I've made a processor which sets the data on the out of the exchange. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel -

Original message

2012-04-19 Thread anoordover
I want to send the same message to two endpoints. The first one is request/reply and if an exception is raised the message should not be send to the second endpoint. How can I send the original message to the second endpoint -- View this message in context:

Re: Original message

2012-04-19 Thread anoordover
Is suppose something like: camelContext errorHandlerRef=errorHandler xmlns=; route from uri=seda:a/ multicast to uri=seda:b/ to uri=seda:c?exchangePattern=InOnly/ /multicast /route /camelContext --

Re: using filter inside when?

2012-04-19 Thread anoordover
I would try to solve this by splitting the route in smaller subroutes. Perhaps you can filter in the subroute. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Container managed redelivery

2012-01-20 Thread anoordover
With this route configuration: camel:camelContext id=activeMQTestConsumerContext camel:endpoint id=activeMQTestQueue uri=amq:queue:${} / camel:route errorHandlerRef=errorHandler camel:from

Re: Container managed redelivery

2012-01-20 Thread anoordover
Solved! Thanks! -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: Redelivery with multiple transacted routes

2012-01-20 Thread anoordover
About the cache level: see: Transactions and Cache Levels If you are consuming messages and using transactions (transacted=true) then the default settings for cache level can impact performance. If you are using XA transactions then you cannot cache as it can

file component: fileLock en preMove doesn't work

2011-06-08 Thread anoordover
When using a file route with a preMove and a fileLock the move failes in windows: 2011-06-08 23:04:05,599 [Camel (camel) thread #0 - file:///camel] DEBUG org.apache.camel.util.FileUtil - Tried 3 to rename file: C:\camel\test3.txt to: C:\camel\tmp\test3.txt with result: false 2011-06-08

Re: TypeConverter loading failes in JBoss 5.1.0.GA

2011-05-13 Thread anoordover
Logging in 2.70: Illegal character in opaque part at index 17: jar:file:/c:/Mijn documenten/.m2/repository/org/apache/camel/camel-core/2.7.0/camel-core-2.7.0.jar!/META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/TypeConverter In 2.8-snapshot it is fixed like you said previously. For my curiousity: Can you

TypeConverter loading failes in JBoss 5.1.0.GA

2011-05-12 Thread anoordover
Loading of de TypeConverters failes with de following trace: 11:04:00,853 TRACE [DefaultPackageScanClassResolver] Searching for: annotated with @Converter in package: org/apache/camel/component/file using classloader: org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.WebCtxLoader$ENCLoader 11:04:00,853 TRACE

Re: TypeConverter loading failes in JBoss 5.1.0.GA

2011-05-12 Thread anoordover
Yes i do. I see this in the log: 12:17:56,834 INFO [AbstractCamelContextFactoryBean] Using custom PackageScanClassResolver: org.apache.camel.jboss.JBossPackageScanClassResolver Apperently this gets set after the TypeConverters are discovered. -- View this message in context:

Re: TypeConverter loading failes in JBoss 5.1.0.GA

2011-05-12 Thread anoordover
camel 2.7.0 camel-jboss-2.6.0.jar -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: TypeConverter loading failes in JBoss 5.1.0.GA

2011-05-12 Thread anoordover
This is the spring xml file: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? beans xmlns=; xmlns:context=; xmlns:camel=;

Re: TypeConverter loading failes in JBoss 5.1.0.GA

2011-05-12 Thread anoordover
I've seen your solution. Great. Can you explain why you choose to adept the AbstractCamelContextFactoryBean. Wouldn't it be simpler to change DefaultPackageScanClassResolver or will there be other issues when you do this. Btw. some samples fail because of classloading problems when the location

proxy using camel:http

2010-10-11 Thread anoordover
When I define a method in an interface that returns a checked exception and use camel:proxy via a http component I get a HttpOperationFailedException at the client and I cannot access the exception that was raised at the server. This is my servlet: camelContext id=myCamelContext