Re: EventNotifierSupport and Threads

2016-04-03 Thread edhansen42
We are actually storing state in the Exchange. Our routes are boilerplate code that end up invoking a beanref. This beanref class has no knowledge of Camel - it just has our injected Bean. Our developers can work on their business logic without having to know anything about Camel. They can

EventNotifierSupport and Threads

2016-04-02 Thread edhansen42
Camel 2.15.2 We are having a bit of a problem with EventNotifierSupport events and threads. Our goal is to isolate our business logic code from frameworks as much as possible. To do so, we inject a bean into the business logic code that provides proxy methods to access information stored in the

cxfrs, jaxrs and camel-boot

2015-07-02 Thread edhansen42
I'm trying to get cxfrs and jaxrs to work in a camel-boot app. I'm using camel 2.15.2, cxf 3.1.0, and spring boot 1.2.5.RELEASE. Here's my spring boot router code: @SpringBootApplication public class SpringBootRouter extends FatJarRouter { @Bean(name=jaxRsServer) @DependsOn(cxf)


2015-06-27 Thread edhansen42
What type of failure would cause an ExchangeFailedEvent to be emitted? I've thrown exceptions directly from a route and also from a Processor and haven't seen the event. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel -

Downloading 2.16 - Not Found

2015-05-15 Thread edhansen42
I'm trying to download 2.16 and am getting a not found response from all the sites. I've tried multiple browsers as suggested with no luck. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list

Re: Seeking understanding of Parameter Binding in Bean invocation

2014-12-09 Thread edhansen42
Thanks Taariq - I'll give 2.14.0 a try! -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: JMS Put to WebsphereMQ destionation using a Qmgr name - how to specify?

2014-12-02 Thread edhansen42
The 'remote' queue definition is actually defined on your local queue manager, so what about just this? to uri=ibmmq:queue:MYREMOTEQUEUENAME/ -- View this message in context:

Seeking understanding of Parameter Binding in Bean invocation

2014-12-01 Thread edhansen42
I've read the following wiki page on Bean Binding: Which was helpful, but still left me with a question. I'm using Camel version 2.11.1. I've got a beanRef in my route like this: .beanRef(myBean, retrieve(${header.field1},

Re: Mangled headers on CXFRS request

2014-06-30 Thread edhansen42
Thanks guys - I'd rather stick with the proxy model, so I'll wait for the patch. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Mangled headers on CXFRS request

2014-06-29 Thread edhansen42
I am using Camel version 2.11.1, and CXF version 2.7.8. I am trying to use the cxfrs component to submit a request to a rest service from camel. I am invoking the route that makes the cxfrs call via a proxy and have a processor that sets up the headers - bi is the BeanInvocation object from the

Re: Passing Headers to a Route Invoked via Proxy

2014-06-28 Thread edhansen42
I was able to accomplish the goal by using RoutePolicySupport. When an Exchange begins, I store the Exchange in a ThreadLocal variable on a singleton class, which is defined as a @Bean and injected where needed. Before I store the Exchange, I check to see if there is an existing one already in

Re: Passing Headers to a Route Invoked via Proxy

2014-06-28 Thread edhansen42
That would certainly help get the header values I need into Bean A as shown below. Route A: from(direct:RouteA) .beanRef(beanA, retrieve(${headers})) ; Bean A @Produce(uri = direct:foobar) protected FooBarService fooBarService; public

Passing Headers to a Route Invoked via Proxy

2014-06-26 Thread edhansen42
I have a route (A) that invokes a bean. In the bean I am using the @Produce annotation to proxy to an endpoint associated with route B. When the endpoint for route B is invoked, camel creates a new exchange for it and sets the body to the BeanInvocation from the proxy call. But route B needs

Exception unmarshalling XML with jaxb

2014-03-31 Thread edhansen42
I am trying to unmarshal XML from a WMQ endpoint and getting the following exception: *Error during type conversion from type: to the required type: with value due Could not instantiate an instance

Add RoutePolicy to multiple routes

2014-02-12 Thread edhansen42
I would like to add a custom RoutePolicy to each of the routes in the CamelContext in one spot, instead of having to do so explicitly in each route. The problem I'm having is finding a hook in a spot after all the routes have been added to the context, but before they have been started. Is there

Re: Add RoutePolicy to multiple routes

2014-02-12 Thread edhansen42
Wanted to clarify a bit. I created a class that implemented CamelContextAware and contained a @PostConstruct init() method. This was called after all the routes had been added to the context, and I was able to access the routes and add my custom RoutePolicy to them, but the policy on each route

Re: Add RoutePolicy to multiple routes

2014-02-12 Thread edhansen42
Thanks Claus. Interesting, I'm able to set the policy on all the routes via the lifecycle - but now onExchangeBegin is no longer being invoked on my policy. -- View this message in context: Sent from

Re: Add RoutePolicy to multiple routes

2014-02-12 Thread edhansen42
Instead of onRoutesAdd, I tried adding the policy in onRouteContextCreate and that worked! Thanks again for the help Claus. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list

Re: contextScan in CamelConfiguration

2013-12-19 Thread edhansen42
Looks like this is all going to be solved in 2.13. Spring Java Config CamelConfiguration now automagically detects all RouteBuilder instances registered in the Spring context if

contextScan in CamelConfiguration

2013-12-18 Thread edhansen42
I would like to use the java equivalent of the contextScan/ tag to have my camel context discover my @Component annotated SpringRouteBuilder instances. I am creating my camel context via Spring by extending the CamelConfiguration class and annotating the class with @Configuration. My question -

Re: contextScan in CamelConfiguration

2013-12-18 Thread edhansen42
Thanks Richard - that's actually the route (no pun intended) that I was heading down. I just want to make sure I'm not missing something, because it sure looks easy to do in XML. -- View this message in context: