Hi guys,

I‘m new to this forum.

We have an issue with multicast and aggregation.
Before calling route direct:putEvent, header correlationId  is also set, so 
correlation is working. Goal, that we are trying to achieve here, is that we 
need, that after message is sent to routeX, which sends message to 
rabbitmq:toQueue , after some time message is received in routeY , thus both 
messages can be aggregated in the aggregator, if their correlationId coincides. 
The problem here is that first route is not waiting for second message from 
routeY to arrive to aggregator, and returns right away. How can we make first 
route to wait until completionTimeout or completionSize conditions are 

        <camel:route id="routeX">
            <camel:from uri="direct:putEvent" />
            <camel:multicast stopOnException="true" parallelProcessing="false">
                <camel:to uri="rabbitmq:toQueue" />
                <camel:to uri="direct:toAggregator" />

        <camel:route id="routeY">
            <camel:from uri="rabbitmq:fromOtherQueue" />
            <camel:setHeader headerName="correlationId">
            <camel:to uri="direct:toAggregator" />

        <camel:route id="aggregationRoute">
            <camel:from uri="direct:toAggregator" />
            <camel:aggregate strategyRef="myStrategy" completionTimeout="7000" 
                <!-- aggregate all messages into the same group -->

Thanks in advance.

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konfidenciali ir jos panaudojimas ar atskleidimas gali būti apribotas. Ji 
skirta tik tam asmeniui, kuriam ji adresuota. Jei Jūs nesate adresatas arba 
atsakingas už šios žinutės pristatymą tam asmeniui, Jūs neturite teisės šios 
žinutės ar jos priedų kopijuoti, atskleisti, platinti ar kitaip perduoti jos 
turinio bet kuriam kitam asmeniui. Jei Jūs per klaidą gavote šią žinutę, 
prašome nedelsiant pranešti jos siuntėjui bei iškart ištrinti šią žinutę ir bet 
kokius jos priedus iš Jūsų sistemos.

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