A couple of things have bothered me with regard to the current
implementation of the Dynamic Router EIP, because I believe that the EIP
description was misinterpreted.  I think that the current implementation is
well enough for use cases where it is appropriate, and it provides a useful
feature that works reliably.  I think that it is a very loose
interpretation of the EIP, and it misses some key points that makes the
Dynamic Router EIP worthy of being its own pattern.

If we look at the EIP at
https://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/DynamicRouter.html we see
that the key concepts are:

 1. Control Channel: A Dynamic Router implementation should provide a
control channel, by which potential recipients can provide their rules that
indicate if they can process a message.  The current implementation does
not seem to have any notion of a control channel.  It appears that the
current implementation interprets the Control Channel as a way for messages
to be continuously re-circulated back through the Dynamic Router.

 2. Recipient Registration: A Dynamic Router implementation should accept
special registration messages via the Control Channel, at run-time, to
allow a potential recipient to announce its presence and to provide the
conditions under which it can handle a message.  While nothing precludes
the user of the Dynamic Router from implementing this, themselves, there is
nothing in the current implementation to provide this.

 3. Dynamic Rule Base: The Dynamic Router stores the registration
information for each participant in a rule base that is not fixed, or
static.  This is the same as the previous point: any rule base is created
as a decision tree at compile time, or the user must create their own
Dynamic Rule Base mechanism.

 4. Real-time Rules Evaluation and Routing: When a message arrives, the
Dynamic Router evaluates all rules that are currently in the Dynamic Rule
Base, and then routes the message to the recipient whose rules are
fulfilled.  Because of the two previous points, this is left up to the user
to implement.

 5. No Dynamic Router Dependency on Recipients: Recipients do not need to
care about the Dynamic Router, and they do not need to care about
evaluating rules.  If they are able to process the message, the message
will be sent to the recipient.

I propose to create a "Dynamic Router 2", or to enhance the current Dynamic
Router Processor with the key features that it is missing, and to allow
control over more of its operation:

 1. Add a Control Channel on which recipients will provide their
registration information, or on which they will unregister.
 2. Add a Dynamic Rule Base where the recipients' registration information
will be maintained.
 3. Modify the re-circulation behavior so that a flag for re-circulation
can be used to turn it on or off.
 4. Allow selection between two delivery methods of "first" or "all" to
indicate if only the first recipient (where a message passes all of its
rules) should receive the message, or if all suitable recipients should
receive it.
 5. When multiple recipients are suitable for accepting a message, and the
Dynamic Router is set to deliver to all suitable recipients, the messages
will be delivered in the same manner as a Recipient List.
 6. The registration message will include a recipient ID, an ordered set of
expressions that evaluate to true or false, and the recipient's Endpoint,
where messages that pass its rules evaluation will be sent.

In the Camel Java DSL, it might look like this:

    // Either create with a rulebase object containing all of the rules
        // or create without the parameter and supply it this way
        // boolean to enable or disable the current message recirculation
behavior (until null)
        // send to first suitable recipient, or to all that are suitable

This way, the control channel is a bean that the Dynamic Router can read,
and recipients can modify it when they come online, or depart, or when
their rules need to be updated.  I am also considering the possibility of
using some kind of actual message channel so that a separate object does
not have to exist outside of the Dynamic Router; it would be created and
maintained by the DR, and recipients would send registration,
deregistration, and update messages to it.  If anyone has ideas about this,
I would appreciate hearing them.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing everyone's feedback.


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