Hello All,
I installed CS 4.1 on ubuntu, with primary storage in /export/aa and secondary
storage in /export/bb, both in the same hard disk as the management server of
CS 4.1. The Ip of the server is http://XXX.XXX.1.5.
Recently, I configured the My Book Live Device, to the IP of
Hi All
Hopefully one more question in my pre planning stage. I hope that someone
has already had to do this and knows the specific requirements, assuming
this is possible.
I have Xenserver 6.2 up and running [2 node pool] to test shared storasge
using EQLX SAN.
Now I want to test Cloudstack 4.3,
Hello Sanjeev, the platform not create automatic the SSVM and CSVM, is possible
create manual this system vm?
Yesid Mora | Orchestration Engineer | O4IT
PBX: 251 Ext +57 (1) 423-5460 | Cel: 3124509565
| Oficina 202 |
http://www.o4it.com | mailto:ym...@o4it.com
Hello, yes I check secondary storage and I see the template but the path in the
template is
/template/tmpl/1/NULL/"files for template"
Buti don’t know why the folder is NULL, And I verify in the database but not
register the template not see the template, additionally yes I add the primary
Hello Everybody,
I have installed CS 4.1 in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Created two vms, one each for
ubuntu and centos 6.5.
I have created one more VM, and installed
openfileresa-2.99.1-x86_64-disc1.iso, the ISO for Openfiler. I created a
standard disk offering of 20 gb, for this instance. I added tw
Hi all,
I went through the following steps,
Login to the CloudStack UI with root admin account --> clicked on Network tab
--> I've selected 'VPN Customer Gateway' from Select view dropdown box,
Then I got the following error. Can you please conform why this error is coming
and how can resolve
I have tried with
Public intrrface : 1/1
Private interface : 1/2
And alsi vice versa but still same problem...
Sent from Samsung Galaxy S5
Original message
From: Shanker Balan
Date: 04/07/2014 10:12 (GMT+05:30)
To: CloudStack-Users
Subject: Re: CloudStack 4.3 error whil