Hi, all

I had a problem with CS UI login.

I installed CS4.0 on CentOS6.4, I can open
but I cannot log in (I was told that the username or password was
The credential I used is "admin:password" and I think it is correct.
>From google-chrome's development tool, I can see that
returned 404 which confirms that the error is not related to the credential
I provided, instead, it indicates a server error.
Clicking on that error, I was told that apiServlet is not available.
So, does anyone have an idea of why this cute little servlet (probably all
servlets) is not started?

BTW, I am using the management server as the NFS server.
I created /mnt/primary and /mnt/secondary and editted /etc/exports to
permit external mount.
I did test the NFS was mounted but I removed the mounted FS as soon as I
confirmed NFS is functioning.

I googled and found some other guys had the same problem with CS3 and
didn't smoothly solved problem except reinstallation. I tried
reinstallation and failed N times.
So, please help me out.

Best regards,

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