> Regards, Remi
> On 14 Aug 2015, at 23:36, Somesh Naidu wrote:
> >> in the cloudDB its running
> >
> > That would explain why HA did not trigger on the VM.
> >
> > Is the host marked as "Up", as in connected to CS?
> >
> >
, what state is it in XenSever (halted
> or does it disappear) and in Cloud DB (Running or Stopped)? What does
> vmsync for that host do with this VM (look at management server logs for
> this)?
> Regards,
> Somesh
> -----Original Message-
> From: Fedi Ben Ali [mail
nabled native HA at pool level
> for cloudstack HA to work.please refer the link for more details.
> http://www.shapeblue.com/xenserver-native-ha-with-cloudstack/
> Regards,
> Prapul sriram,
> Cloud Architect,
> PSI Cloud Solutions,
> Psiclouds.com<http://Psiclouds.co
hello ,
I'm working on cloudstack 4.4.2 and xenserver 6.2 cluster with 5 hosts, i
deployed many virtual machines with compute offerings having ha feature
But when i stops one of the pools hosts , happens all VM steel set to
running on cloudstack and no ha is done.
Even when i stop a
c label (cloudbr2), and then ACS will create eth0.160
> interface, and create a new bridge (and joing eth0.160 and all public vNICs
> to this bridge...)
> If you can share more details, if would be good.
> Cheers
> On 9 July 2015 at 15:28, Fedi Ben Ali wrote:
> &
I want to configure one cloudstack zone with two public ip ranges each one
is configured on a vlan (this configuration is already made on my network
as we know when i define my public network i will point it to a network
already configured on my xenserver hosts.
my question is t
I'm working on a deploiement with two zones with advanced networking.
i have a range public ip adresses that will be used for my both zones.
i want to use a part of this range as my public range on the zones level
and the rest will be set as portable ip's.
i added the portable ip range with
other. For instance if your
> public VLAN id = 5 and guest VLAN ID=505 you must change it while routing
> from one VLAN to another. Of course if you remove client from Cloudstack
> -- you should see that corresponding VLAN is removed from you host
> automatically
> Vadim
> also have public traffic tagged internally and assign tag on ingress and
> remove tag on egress traffic. This is done by switch configuration.
> >
> > VLAN is used for isolation. You can have same ip ranges on the
> same physical networks without networks to be overlapped.
ow your XenServers can plug vifs into the
> public network.
> Regards,
> Remi
> > On 2 jul. 2015, at 16:31, Fedi Ben Ali wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > On my deploiement cloudstack 4.4 and xenservers 6.2. i have configured
> > multiple net
On my deploiement cloudstack 4.4 and xenservers 6.2. i have configured
multiple networks each one for a specific traffic type
these networks are isolated and vlan tagged ,so on my xenservers i have
the 4 networks each with a specific name label and point
It been a while ago ,we was talking about having the citrix disaster
recovery solution implemented in the cloudStack 4.5.
But as we sow there is no DR service on the last cloudstack release.
So i'm wondering, will citrix publish the DR service on the future
CloudStack releases ?
Hello ,
we have a need to backup all the users VM running on cloudstack for restore
purposes , the backup process should run dailly.
Does any one have a way to do this ?
we also need to know haw long does it take to make a backup or restore of a
VM .
hurt to try though, can't get worse :-)
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-8372
> --
> Erik
> On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 10:57 PM, Fedi Ben Ali
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I do have an issue with the upload of
I do have an issue with the upload of my certificate , i'm uploading a
wildcard certificate ,
with a pksc8 key from cloudstack UI.
this operation gives me this error on my log :
null, lastUpdated: null, lastPolled: null, created: null}
2015-05-17 21:32:56,233 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet]
Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 3:54 AM, Fedi Ben Ali
> wrote:
> > Hello ,
> >
> > On a a cloudstack deploiement ,we have a need to force a client to work
> on
> > a specified zone ,we need to have something like default zone for each
> > account.
> &g
Hello ,
On a a cloudstack deploiement ,we have a need to force a client to work on
a specified zone ,we need to have something like default zone for each
But i still dont find any way to do so.
the "markDefaultZoneForAccount " Api call is doing nothing, the create VM
wizard is showing my
In fact you can create a system offering for the virtual and specify where
you want to deploy this VR (i recommand the use of tags). and you create
your network offering that uses this offering for the virtual router.by
doing this you will control where cloudstack deploys you VR.
2015-04-13 9:09 G
address, like I said it is
> hard to pinpoint the issue but could be the case...
> When I have time I will trace packets on an active-active bond to better
> understand what's going on...
> -Original Message-
> From: Fedi Ben Ali [mailto:ben.ali.fe...@gmail
Any idea ???
2015-04-12 0:13 GMT+01:00 Fedi Ben Ali :
> I've cheked my xensource.log and i have no trace of the issue(i keep
> looking ,my bond is on Active/Active. All my bonds are configured on two
> PIF that are connected to two switches thats why we are not using lacp.
> Thanks,
> Sam Ceylani, MBA
> Computer Engineer
> MisterCertified Inc.
> 301 W. Platt St. Suite 447, Tampa, FL 33606
> P 813.264.6460 M
> 813.416.7867
> F 800.553.9520 E
> sam.ceyl...@mistercertified.com<mailto:sam.ceyl...@mistercertified.com>
Hello ,
I'm working on a platform with many xenservers ,i'm using bonded interfaces
for all the required cloudstack networks (management,guest,storage,public).
All my networks works fine except the public network ,each time i add or
remove VM from a cluster ,the xenserver log shows" the status o
stpassword clusterid=ad3751ee-1437-436xx
> hostid=56168d32-1773-f password=x username=root*
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Fedi Ben Ali
> wrote:
> > Hello ,
> >
> > On my deployement i have multiple xenservers pools, each hos
Hello ,
On my deployement i have multiple xenservers pools, each host on these
pools have his own password .when i add the pool master to cloudstack
,cloudstack adds automatically all the slave hosts but the log file is
giving uanable to authentificate exeption.
When i finish and trys to add VM'
In fact this step is no more required because the xenservers already have
the vhd utils.
2015-03-26 15:54 GMT+01:00 Keerthiraja SJ :
> Hi All,
> If CS 4.5.1 support Xenserver 6.5 do we still need to copy the vhd-utils
> from cloudstack to xenserver 6.5 too.
> Do we have to follow the same if
I'm Working on a large cloudstack4.4 platforme with multiple Xenservers
6.2. I'm working with an overprovisionning ratio of 1.5 and a dom0=4Go.
When inspecting the cloudstack-management log file while a start a VM
deploiement i' get the error mentionned in the end wich i need to restart
> Thanks,
> Sam Ceylani, MBA
> Computer Engineer
> MisterCertified Inc.
> 301 W. Platt St. Suite 447, Tampa, FL 33606
> P 813.264.6460 M
> 813.416.7867
> F 800.553.9520 E
> sam.ceyl...@mistercertified.com<mailto:sam.ceyl...@mistercertified.com>
> On
att St. Suite 447, Tampa, FL 33606
> P 813.264.6460 M
> 813.416.7867
> F 800.553.9520 E
> sam.ceyl...@mistercertified.com<mailto:sam.ceyl...@mistercertified.com>
> On Mar 17, 2015, at 1:21 PM, "Fedi Ben Ali" <mailto:ben.ali.fe...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I'm facing a problem when i create a VM the DATA disk is not installed on
the linux server.after doing it manulay i'm able to install the disk.
But when i make a resizeVolume command i lose the old volume.
Is there a solution to resize the volume without loosing the original
volume ?
I'm having a problem and i'm not getting why cloudstack is responding this
when i create a network offering with StaticNat and firewall this creation
goes fine but i'm not able to crate a network using this offering .
what i'm trying to get is a minimal network that allow internet conn
I'm making a cloudsarck deployement with advanced zones using GRE isolation
method with OVS provider.
The problem is that the created tunnels wont be removed when i remove the
correspondant virtual router and the VM's running on it.
Is there a solution that make cloudstack remove the ovs
When you have a 404 error that means that you have a problem on the service
start,generaly it's DB issue but to be sure restart the service and check
the management-server.log for more details.
If the issue persist give us your log output.
2015-03-11 20:17 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu :
> Did you ch
I'm wondering wish IP adress of the management server to put on the host
entries in the global config , is it the public or the management ip ?
I'm trying to monitor cloudstack via snmp based on the MIB file,but
cloudstack is not sending any information.
i'm asking if the cloudusage service have to do with this problem ?
I'm making a cloudsarck deployement with advansed zones using GRE isolation
method with OVS provider.
The problem is that the created tunnels wont be removed when i remove the
correspondant virtual router and the VM's running on it.
Is there a solution that make cloudstack remove the ovs
I'm trying to copy template from one zone to one other but cloudstack
,keeps shwing an error message connexion refused.
Is there any special configuration that allow the internal downloads in
cloudstack ?
Best Regards.
Hello ,
I'm trying to copy a template from one zone to one other but cloudstack
keeps replaying by error message.
did any one already faces this issue ?
Best Regards.
I'm trying to deploy a cloudstack platforme with object storage for
secondary storage.
can anyone tell me wich swift solution i can use (openstack swift or
other solution) and give me some helpfull links ?
thx .
Did any one implemented an object storage solution for cloudstack secondary
storage ?
if so can you pass me a deployement guide or the name of the used solution ?
thx .
Hello ,
I'm not able to build the hyper-V agent installer ,i'm following the
official documentation
,i'll share my log with you
running tests
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Hello ,
When we add a host that contains virtual machines to CloudStack,there is an
agent that remove all those VM's.
Is there a solution that allow me disable that agent so i can add the host
without having this cloudstack agent removing all my vM's ??
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