Hello, I am trying to create a BareMetal template based on vm id using the CloudStack API. The API documentations suggests that this should be possible by providing the virtual machine ID and a URL for template storage. However, this doesn't work; I followed the API documentation, provided the ostypeid, name, displaytext, virtualmachineid, and url, but I got this error message:
“Failed to create private template record, neither volume ID nor snapshot ID were specified. ” So I took a look at the code, and while I did find the code which should support BareMetal template creation from vmid in the BareMetalPxeManager, it is not called from anywhere. The TemplateManager handles CreateTemplateCommands which specify either a volume or a snapshot, but doesn't deal with the BareMetal template creation in any way. Is this omission made intentionally? Is the API capable of handling creation of these templates in some other way, or should support for BareMetal templates be added to the TemplateManager? Regards, -- *Nera Nešić* Backend Developer Mobile: (+354) 782 1337 n...@greenqloud.com <a...@greenqloud.com> www.greenqloud.com