Dear Abdul,

If you set mem.overprovisioning.factor  != 1 in global settings,kvm agent will 
set instance currentMemory half of memory in libvirt. 
So you can edit /etc/cloudstack/agent/ and uncomment 
"vm.memballoon.disable=true", and then restart kvm agent. When you { deploy new 
instance } or {shutdown instance then restart }, the currentMemory equals 
memory you view the instance .

Best Regards,
Star Guo

发件人: Abdul Rasool [] 
发送时间: 2015年1月15日 1:24
主题: RE: VM showing half of the provisioned memory.

Thx Len for your suggestion. I am running kvm as a hypervisor I do remember 
while I creating  vm I used template which has dynamically scalable. may be I 
will try creating new vm without using dynamically scalable option and let you 

On Jan 14, 2015 10:31 PM, "" <> wrote:

> Hi Abdul,
> Are you running XenServer with Dynamic Scaling enabled on your templates?
> I had this issue and the only way to fix it was to disable the 
> "Dynamically Scalable" option on my templates, then shut down my vms 
> (not
> restart) and then bring them up again.  After that they received all 
> of the memory. This was only on Linux machines. Windows vms are fine.
> I am using ACS 4.3. It sounds like a bug to me, but not sure.
> Len
> ---Original Message-----
> From: Abdul Rasool []
> Sent: 14 January 2015 16:28
> To:
> Subject: VM showing half of the provisioned memory.
> Hi,
> All the VM instances in ACS is showing half of the memory, actual 
> provision to this particulate VM is 2GB but instance is showing only 1GB.
> could you please explain me why is this happening ?
> free -m
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:           986        977          8          0          0         25
> -/+ buffers/cache:        951         35
> Swap:         8001       3995       4005
> Regards,
> AR

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