excuse the forward but this is relevant to my previous post.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Angela Brown" <eve...@regonline.com>
> Subject: ApacheCon Tutorials and other content opportunities
> Date: March 18, 2014 5:41:34 PM GMT+01:00
> To: run...@gmail.com
> Reply-To: "Angela Brown" <eve...@linuxfoundation.org>
>       ApacheCon North America 2014
> Dear Sebastien,
> We are looking forward to welcoming you to ApacheCon NA 2014 in Denver in 
> just a few short weeks. As the event approaches, I wanted to remind you of 
> the additional offerings on Thursday, April 10 and Friday, April 11 after the 
> ApacheCon keynotes and conference sessions end. If you'd like to add any of 
> these to your registration, simply click here, choose edit registration, and 
> you can easily do so.
> ApacheCon Tutorials
> We're offering 13 half-day tutorials covering a range of topics and Apache 
> projects including Twill, Cordova, Flex, Sqoop, httpd, CXF, Olingo, OFBiz, 
> Streams and more. You can view the list here.
> Meetups and Project Summits
> Click here to check out the free meetups on Thursday, April 10th as well as 
> the schedules for the Apache Traffic Server Summit and Apache Tomcat Summit.
> BarCampApache
> This unconference takes place on Thursday, April 10th and attendees can cover 
> any topics they want. Click here to view the wiki and sign up.
> CloudStack Collaboration Conference
> Free for ApacheCon attendees, CCC-NA offers an additional 55+ sessions 
> dedicated to Apache CloudStack.
> CentOS Dojo
> Taking place Thursday, April 10th, a great add-on for those interested in 
> CentOS. 
> Also, if you have not booked your hotel room yet, we encourage you to do so 
> immediately as the room block is very close to being full.
> Please let us know if you have any questions and we'll see you shortly in 
> Denver.
> Best regards,
> Angela Brown
> Director of Events
> The Linux Foundation

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