
I'm trying to implement my own realhostip and I have a problem with adding the certificate.

What I have is a Comodo wildcard ca_bundle, crt and key in pem format (for use with Apache HTTPD) and Cloudstack is asking for "X.509 compliant SSL certificate" and "PKCS#8 Private Key". I have never used these formats and seem to be popular within the java world. I tried converting what I had from pem to der (pkcs8?) format[1], but what I get is some binary .der file that's "illegible" and can't really be copy-pased into the UI.

Can someone advise on what steps I should take to get my SSL certs into ACS? I'm on 4.3.0 rev 4440.


cat ca_bundle.crt certificate.crt > certificate.pem
openssl x509 -outform der -in certificate.pem -out certificate.der

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