Have same issue with ACS 4.14.1 and XCP-NG 8.2

-----Original Message-----
From: Yordan Kostov [mailto:yord...@nsogroup.com]
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2021 4:48 PM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: [!!Mass Mail]VM snapshot is not working

Dear all,

At ACS User Group Virtual day on Thursday somebody mentioned that VM snapshot 
revert functionality is not working for ACS 4.15 + XCP-NG.
After some tests similar results were observed.

  *   ACS 4.15 + XCP-NG 8.2.
  *   OS tested:
     *   Centos 7 latest installed as "Centos Other 64 bit"
     *   Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server installed as "Ubuntu Other 64"
  *   VM Snapshot (disk only) can be made but when reverted:
     *   the following error appears in GU: Unexpected exception
     *   When reverting Centos snapshot - the following error appears in logs: 
Revert VM: i-2-4002-VM to snapshot: i-2-4002-VM_VS_20210531124241 failed due to 
 Hypervisor com.cloud.hypervisor.xenserver.resource.XenServer650Resource 
doesn't support guest OS type Other CentOS (64-bit). you can choose 'Other 
install media' to run it as HVM
     *   When reverting Ubuntu snapshot - Caused by: 
com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Revert VM: i-2-4003-VM to 
snapshot: i-2-4003-VM_VS_20210531125227 failed due to  Hypervisor 
com.cloud.hypervisor.xenserver.resource.XenServer650Resource doesn't support 
guest OS type Other Ubuntu (64-bit). you can choose 'Other install media' to 
run it as HVM

However snapshots that include disk and memory can be reverted without any 
issue. Any idea why this happens and how to approach the issue?

Snapshot of volumes works properly. Btw what does "Async backup" option for 
volume snapshots do exactly? I could not find it in documentation nor it 
presents any specific options when enabled?

Best regards,
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  • VM snapshot is no... Yordan Kostov
    • RE: [!!Mass ... Дикевич Евгений Александрович

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