VPN site to site with no cisco nor juniper on the customer end

2014-05-15 Thread Amin Samir
Hello, Can anyone please advise if we can use site to site VPN and there is no Cisco nor Juniper routers on the other (customer end) for instance if the customer has Pfsense as his router and firewall , what shall we do? Is it possible or not? Our environment is as follows: ? MS 4

VPN site to site with no cisco nor juniper on the customer end

2014-05-15 Thread Amin Samir
Hello, Can anyone please advise if we can use site to site VPN and there is no Cisco nor Juniper routers on the other (customer end) for instance if the customer has Pfsense as his router and firewall , what shall we do? Is it possible or not? Our environment is as follows: ? MS 4