
We are having troubles with kvm snapshots. Our architecture: hosts CentOS 6.4, Primary storage - iscsi; secondary storage - nfs over iscsi from management. For primary storage we have tried clvm and sharedmountpoint (gfs2, ocfs2) with the same result. Everything is working fine until there is only one active host in cloud. When second host is added some snapshots fail with state "CreatedOnPrimary". Failed snapshots are visible with virsh.

virsh snapshot-list i-2-33-VM
 Name                 Creation Time             State
 ee9302c6-bd00-4b93-aa77-f05d5a9a44c6 2013-10-24 13:56:24 +0300 running

VM with unsuccessful snapshot gets stuck until snapshot is manualy deleted. It can be easily deleted with virsh. We have tried upgrading libvirt and/or qemu versions with the same result. Snapshots are running good only with nfs mounted primary storage.

I realy do not no if we are missing something or it is a bug of kvm.
Has somebody managed to setup kvm with working snapshots on clvm or sharedmountpoint?
We will appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

Ivan Kozlov

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