Re: DELI Problem: always the same profile (SOLVED)

2005-10-01 Thread Paolo Ambrosio
Finally I solved my problem. I just added something like this... deli:Profile rdf:about=urn:x-hp-deli:devices/DELI-OPERA- deli:manufacturedByrdf:Description rdf:about=urn:x-hp-deli:manufacturers/DELIrdfs:labelDELI/rdfs:label/rdf:Description/deli:manufacturedBy


2005-10-01 Thread Gerry Kaplan
(I think) my sitemap is correctly catching an invalid continuation, but it is still creating a trace in the output log. My sitemap contains the following: map:pipeline map:match pattern=*.continue map:call continuation={1}/ /map:match map:handle-errors map:select

multiple xpaths

2005-10-01 Thread David
I am writing a cocoon transformer and need to know when any of multiple xpaths match. I'm sure there must be a be a more efficient way then converting it to a DOM document and then running each xpath to get the nodelist of each. What is the best way to do this? Thanks, David

Re: Using the output of a pipeline to call another pipeline?

2005-10-01 Thread Antonio Gallardo
Derek Hohls wrote: (Just on the side here - sorry to disrupt the thread - I would echo the support for more detailed info - tutorial + sets of examples would be *really* good - for creating Actions using Javascript - this would open up an area of Cocoon for us non-Java gurus - Thanks...)

Re: Using the output of a pipeline to call another pipeline?

2005-10-01 Thread Antonio Gallardo
Derek Hohls wrote: (Just on the side here - sorry to disrupt the thread - I would echo the support for more detailed info - tutorial + sets of examples would be *really* good - for creating Actions using Javascript - this would open up an area of Cocoon for us non-Java gurus - Thanks...)