Many thanks for the replies!

Indeed, it was just a problem related to the servlet's mount-path and
context-path. I'll have to be a little more careful checking those details.
The help was greatly appreciated =)

 - Patrick E.

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 11:27 PM, Robby Pelssers

> It depends on how you configured your block-servlet-service.xml
> Assuming it looks like:
>  <bean name="com.mycompany.block1.service"
> class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.SitemapServlet">
>    <servlet:context mount-path="/block1"
> context-path="blockcontext:/block1/">
>      <!-- in the servlet connections you typically add other block
> references which in your case might be 0
>      <servlet:connections>
>        <entry key="ajax" value-ref="org.apache.cocoon.ajax.impl.servlet"/>
>        <entry key="forms"
> value-ref="org.apache.cocoon.forms.impl.servlet"/>
>      </servlet:connections>
>      -->
>    </servlet:context>
>  </bean>
> Then you should be able to invoke it like:
> http://localhost:8080/{webappname}/block1{/somepattern}
> And of course assuming you did add the block1 dependency in your webapp
> project:
> E.g.
>    <dependency>
>      <groupId>com.mycompany</groupId>
>      <artifactId>block1</artifactId>
>      <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>    </dependency>
> Kind regards,
> Robby Pelssers
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Patrick Etienne []
> Verzonden: do 27-1-2011 22:06
> Aan:;
> Onderwerp: Trouble deploying a *.war file to Tomcat from Cocoon 2.2
> Cocoon & Tomcat Users,
> I'm writing (cross-list) concerning a test case for producing a small
> cocoon
> application for tomcat. I've been a user of Cocoon for quite some time, but
> have had a little trouble adjusting to the new spring/maven-based 2.2
> version. My quest at the moment is just to create the default cocoon block
> as well as a webapp block in order to yield a war file to be uploaded to
> tomcat. So far I've followed the instructions from "Your first Cocoon
> application using Maven 2" <>
> and
> "Deploying a Cocoon application" <
> Rather than creating a two (option 2) blocks, a webapp block, and a parent
> block, I've just created a regular block and a webapp block and attempted
> to
> upload the resulting *.war file to Tomcat and deploy the war there. The
> application seems to load alright (based off of information listed in the
> tomcat manager, and catalina.out logs), but browsing to the actual URL
> seems
> to show that I've not completed the process properly in some way.
> The result is:
> HTTP Status 404 - No block for /
> ------------------------------
> *type* Status report
> *message* *No block for /*
> *description* *The requested resource (No block for /) is not available.*
> ------------------------------
> Apache Tomcat/6.0.18
> Catalina.out only shows:
> Loading catalog:
> file:/usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/work/Catalina/localhost/mobileApp-1.0.0/cocoon_xml_resolver_entities/catalog
> In reference to the "mobileApp" application that I'm attempting to load.
> Again, I have experience with both Cocoon < 2.2 and Tomcat in general, but
> am having trouble understanding what needs to be done in order to run a
> Cocoon 2.2 application in Tomcat (rather than Jetty). By the way, I'm able
> to get everything to come up as expected from Jetty.
> Any tips, hints, suggestions, or resources would be greatly appreciated!
>  - Patrick E.
> --
> Patrick K. Etienne
> Systems Analyst
> Georgia Institute of Technology
> Library & Information Center
> (404) 385-8121
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121

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