On Fri, Mar 02, 2012 at 08:50:02PM +0100, Simone Tripodi wrote:
> apologize if Cocoon doesn't satisfy your expectations, but please take
> in consideration that actually there is not even a single entity
> sponsoring Cocoon development - I mean, no one of us is dedicated 100%
> of paid time to Cocoon - so everybody involved here is juts a
> volunteer that participates in his spare time.

Oh, I understand that.  And I try not to whine.  But, when people are
wondering aloud why a product is not more popular, when that product's
own web site apparently hasn't been touched in four years, when that
site warns you off ("alpha") the only version that seems to get any
attention, I think it is the part of a friend to say, "wake up! this
is why."  I hope that someone would do that for me, in similar

A project lacking formal sponsorship has a literally vital need to
stay in touch with the people who would use it and help it grow.
There are dependent projects Out There that have to package their own
fork of Cocoon because they also depend on bug fixes that haven't been
taken up in years.  That has to have a negative effect on people
outside the project who diagnose and fix bugs, people who would like
to use Cocoon more but are wary, people who would contribute if they
could but are deterred by the appearance of a wall between "inside"
and "outside".

A community-supported project needs members who are excited about the
code, but even more it needs members who are excited about the
community and do things to keep them involved, make it an inviting
place to contribute.  Sometimes boring things, like keeping the
website up-to-date, writing introductory materials for new
contributors, following up issues, and the like.

If I could even figure out how to build 2.2 I would very likely at
least fill some of the gaping holes in the documentation.  I like
volunteering when I have enough information to do a good job.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

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