On 10/12/2012 15:33, Eduard Tibet wrote:

Hi Eduard,
premise: I never used C2.2 in production - I've jumped from C2.1 to C3 - so I might say bullshits :-)

Some offtopic, but I suggest this info can be useful for others. We build our 
application based on Apache Cocoon 2.2. We also use Apache FOP version 1.1 and 
have our own block for it. Unfortunately there are some inconsistence in maven 
dependencies from FOP-Cocoon point of view.

org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-core:2.2.0 > 
org.apache.avalon.framework:avalon-framework-impl (and here is only 4.3.1 in repo).

Our block depend on:
org.apache.xmlgraphics:fop:1.1 BUT it depends on 
org.apache.avalon.framework:avalon-framework-impl:4.2.0 . Here [1] is the 
thread in fop-usr mailing list with some info, why it is so.

So the questions are:
1. Is it possible (of course, locally) to include the "old" 4.2.0 lib in Apache 
Cocoon with the same exclusion of 4.3.1?What does it mean for Cocoon stability|issues?

I don't have any culprit about this: just try and see how it is going...

2. Do you know any elegant way to include fop 1.1 lib in Cocoon within current 
pom content?

Just override this dependency in your project's POM file and you should be fine.

[1]: http://www.mail-archive.com/fop-users@xmlgraphics.apache.org/msg18975.html

Thank you!

P.S. I suggest the same (or better to say "reverse") situation happens with 
batik libs (1.6.1 in Cocoon 2.2 and 1.7 in FOP 1.1)

I see the same solution here, by tweaking your own project's POM file(s).

Please report if you find any significant library incompatibility with either FOP/Avalon and Batik.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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