I get this line in the log:

DEBUG (2004-02-12) 15:24.06:218 [sitemap.transformer.tofile] (/documents/admin/altersubmit) HttpProcessor[8080][2]/SourceWritingTransformer: Configuration - no serializer yet

Geoff Howard wrote:

Anthony Davies wrote:


I'm trying to get this transformer working so that I can write xml on the fly on my server. Unfortunately, I can't get this component to work.

What error do you get?

The relevant sitemap bits as I have them are:


altersubmit.xsl is:


 <xsl:template match="/">
   <source:write create="true">

Seems you are creating a whole file here in which case the whitespace after source:fragment could be causing a problem (not sure how the xsl would affect that)

Try : <source:fragment><xsl:apply-templates/></source:write>


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