Cron JobScheduler component and CMT store type

2006-11-02 Thread Borut Žagar []
Hi.   Does anybody know how to correctly set Cocoon JobScheduler component with a CMT data store? Quartz as a underlying component for sheduling requires a CMT and a non-transactional datasource to be configured. I cannot find how to set a non-transactional datasource in cocoon.xconf:  

Cocoon scheduler

2006-02-10 Thread Borut Žagar []
Hi. I have configured a CMT Job Store for Cocoon scheduler in cocoon.xconf to: java:/DefaultDS since I am using Container Managed Transactions (Jboss 4.0.3sp1, Cocoon 2.1.8). But when I run Jboss I get the following exception: org.quartz.SchedulerConfigException: Non-ManagedTX DataSource n

RE: CocoonQuartzJobScheduler

2005-12-06 Thread Borut Žagar []
Thanks, it did the trick: JobScheduler sched = (JobScheduler) CocoonComponentManager.getSitemapComponentManager().lookup(JobScheduler.clas s.getName()); StartProcessJob sq = new StartProcessJob(); Map jobData = new HashMap(); jobData.put("pcid", "3505"); jobData.put("initiatorId", "24


2005-12-02 Thread Borut Žagar []
Hi. I have enabled org.apache.cocoon.components.cron.CocoonQuartzJobScheduler component in cocoon.xconf and it seems to be working fine. But I do not know how to schedule tasks programatically with this scheduler as I could do it with Quartz Scheduler. For example, how would I create a schedule

Structuring WEB-INF/lib

2005-05-18 Thread Borut Žagar []
Hi.   We are developing web application with Cocoon, Spring and Hibernate to be run under JBoss AS. Since we have a lot of external JARS in WEB-INF/lib directory, we want to structure this directory a bit. Idea is to make subdirectories in WEB-INF/lib for spring, hibernate, cocoon, etc JARs 

Structuring WEB-INF/lib

2005-05-18 Thread Borut Žagar []
Hi.   We are developing web application with Cocoon, Spring and Hibernate to be run under JBoss AS. Since we have a lot of external JARS in WEB-INF/lib directory, we want to structure this directory a bit. Idea is to make subdirectories in WEB-INF/lib for spring, hibernate, cocoon, etc JARs