On 11/30/05, Matthew Langham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a customer looking to build an architecture around Open Source
> frameworks. He has asked us about the differences in needed resources (CPU,
> Memory) when writing an application using Cocoon as compared to a Struts/JSP
> solution. While I realize the answer is probably "that depends", there are
> certain customers who just aren't interested in that type of answer :-(. And
> this customer actually has to pay internal charges depending on the amount
> of memory and CPU needed.
> So maybe someone out there has actually done this type of comparison or can
> point me to something?

Can't help directly, but be sure to point out that they should also
factor in development and maintenance costs to get the total picture.

Note that if you end up doing the testing yourself Cocoon will could
loose unless you exploit caching.

Peter Hunsberger

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