I am currently developing a CMS based on Cocoon 2.1.4
The thing is changing contents is no problem.. but our users also want to add or delete pages on their webpage.

So i thought it would be great to create an sub sitemap which holds the pages for the webpage.

Has anyone experience in doing this ?

Sorry, i dont have any experience doing this. But i thought of something similar.

We do have a database centric Web Information System online and are looking forward to expand its functionality toward web document handling so our users could create multiple web pages without coding or anything. I thought it would be easiest to leave the administrative interface of a cms to our existing system then generate the sitemap.xmap (maybe with some external files) dynamically and let cocoon handle the web publishing. This would essentialy come to aggregate the sitemap outside of cocoon, transfer it to the place where cocoon could find it and call the sitemap relaod method. Something like a remote controled cocoon ;-)

Its very sketchy at the momtent, but I hope to get a prototype running within the next few weeks. Has anyone got an idea about the performance of such a thing??

Maybe we could share our experiences here ;-)

Philipp Stecher


Andreas Schmid

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