javascript widget

2006-07-17 Thread Roland Bair
Hello! are there any CForm widgets, with which i can first execute clientside javascript code and then submit to the server? regards Roland Bair Research & Development Topcall International AG A-1230 Wien, Talpagasse 1 Mail: [EMAIL PROTE

Re: javascript clientside...

2006-07-10 Thread Roland Bair
Hello again - still working and my next problem popped up: is it possible to create a own id on my CForm widget? for instance: when i create an upload widget, ill get a curr_id:upload - id is it somehow possible? kind regards... Roland Bair Research & Development Topcall Internati

javascript clientside...

2006-07-10 Thread Roland Bair
hello - i want to popup a new window before submitting my CForm is it possible to use a widget? regards! Roland Bair Research & Development Topcall International AG A-1230 Wien, Talpagasse 1 Mail: [EMAIL PROTE

Re: progress popup

2006-07-10 Thread Roland Bair
yeah thx! everything worked fine - i forgot to alter the new pipeline... :-P regards. Roland Bair Research & Development Topcall International AG A-1230 Wien, Talpagasse 1 Mail: [EMAIL PROTE

RE: Kill the cache?

2006-07-06 Thread Roland Bair
maybe u should specify which other context cocoon might cache? only request on your sitemap are processed by cocoon, aren't they? reg. Roland Bair Research & Development Topcall International AG A-1230 Wien, Talpagasse 1 Mail: [EMAIL

progress popup

2006-07-06 Thread Roland Bair
ion_" + i)==true; ++i); cocoon.sendPage("xcd_merg-success-pipeline"); } cocoon version 2.1.8 atb Roland Bair Research & Development Topcall International AG A-1230 Wien, Talpagasse 1 Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

upload widget

2006-07-05 Thread Roland Bair
with ajax? i dont need ajax to upload the files, only to create new upload widgets on the page! kind regards! Roland Bair Research & Development Topcall International AG A-1230 Wien, Talpagasse 1 Mail: [EMAIL PROTE