Hello to all,
in short:
I have a ConcurrentModificationException caused by the fact that (only)
firefox send out from 2 to 5 request for the same image (generated)
file. I've said only since I tested it in konqueror and Opera and both
send out only 1 request as httptracer
ops that works, sorry! (I had an empty
at the end of the
definition that was the problem...)
Another question: if I use decimal datatype I must use BigDecimal also
in the get/set of the bean. Why it doesn't accept a double? BigDecimal
constructor accepts a double.
Hello all, I still having problems with basic validation:
I've a form def like this:
return seismicag(widget);
the function is similar to the dreamteam sample but on validation it
raise exception because it says Validation script didn't return a value:
function seismicag(widget) {
I have 3 very basic cforms validation scenario 3 different problems with
1) I have a combo-box with with 1 2 3 as values, on-value-changed I
whant widget "Nliv1" "Nliv2" "Nliv3" to be WidgetState.ACTIVE and their
values to be back to 0 so I wrote:
if (newValue == 1) {
var nliv2 = widg
I still have issue calling my window.onload() what's the correct way to
initialize my javascript on loading?
To correctly initialize onload() I had to add these lines:
if (window["forms_onloadHandlers"] == undefined) {
window.onload = function() {
if (window.winOnLoad) winOn
I've found what was causing the problem is stripnamespaces.xsl. However
now I have a page that display but doesn't validate as xhtml1.1.
I still have issue calling my window.onload() what's the correct way to
initialize my javascript on loading?
es wrote:
Hello all,
I've problems getting my cform js working: the calendar field for
example doesn't pop up, fields doesn't react to on-value-changed etc.
I've checked the head is ok, same as the examples output.
The problem is probably on the onload event. I have the need to init
some custom js in my
I've read some of the wiki docs concerning blocks and in my
understanding to create a new block is not that difficult I just need to
edit 3 files and do some magic command but I miss some step:
1) http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/BlockBuilder?highlight=%28block%29
where I download the necessary fil
Greetings community! (when next get-together ?)
I need help/advices to automatically bind beans populated by CForm and
an OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet.
The fields are a lot (150 or more) now I wonder if there is a more
clever idea then to do ooCalcWrapper.setCellValue( "C15", bean.getC15())
Take a closer look at Lenya it provide anything you need to fulfill the
ACL part then you can make several form in a workflow and handle who can
do what. For input in the form and control on the UI you have several
options like CForms and Xforms.
Good Luck
Thank you
The patch is only in cvs. So check out the current source of
cocoonGallery from
cvs, this might help!
Quoting es <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Dear all,
I'm trying ImageReader class for scaling down images. I'm using the
Dear all,
I'm trying ImageReader class for scaling down images. I'm using the
example that comes with http://cocoongallery.sourceforge.net and it runs
fine locally.
However, when I deploy it on the public server, it reply with a 0 lenght
image file. You can check it by your self here
Tony Collen wrote:
· I need to discover which version is deployed I have tried with the
status generator but it doesn't output the version.
I just committed a patch to the StatusGenerator and the Status
Generator sample page to SVN TRUNK, and I will soon backport it to the
2.1.x b
>· I wish there was a tool to make new cocoon deploy with only the
stuff needed.
for this I have choosen option a) in INSTALL.txt too bad from me sorry :)
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Dear list, I want to thank all people that made cocoon so easy,
powerfull and feature full like anything around.:)
· I need to discover which version is deployed I have tried with the
status generator but it doesn't output the version.
· I wish there was a tool to make new cocoon deplo
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