Cocoon GetTogether 2005
October 5,6,7th, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 

DEADLINE for proposal : Friday September 2th, 2005
Proposals should be sent to: info at cocoongt.org

In 7 weeks time there'll be plenty of Cocoon talks, hacking, food, beers, 
laughs - everything you've been waiting for since you left Ghent on October 
12th last year...

We are looking for you to come on stage and talk about all things Cocoon. 
People who want to present during the GetTogether are kindly requested to send 
in a presentation proposal. Presentation topics will be screened for 
cluefulness, in the sense that we don't want any commercial presentations.
Introductory, tutorial-like stuff into new or advanced topics are much 
appreciated though. Please send in your presentation proposal to info at 
cocoongt.org - see below for a template to help you in filling out a proposal.


Do not include proprietary or confidential material in your proposals. 
We will assume that you do not consider any material included in the 
proposals to be confidential. All conference presentations are 
vendor-agnostic and should focus on technology. Your proposal should 
contain the following information:

1. Proposed title for the talk/session/debate.
2. Brief outline or abstract of the talk/session/debate 
    * Please be as concise as possible.
    * Please write in third-person context.
    * Please list any prerequisite sessions or knowledge you feel is essential.
    * Indicate, if applicable, if this is a beginning or advanced talk.
3. For all proposed speakers, include: speaker name, title, company, address, 
email, phone number, fax and website.
4. Biography for the proposed speaker(s) showing relevant experience and 
qualification to speak on the proposed subject matter (not to exceed 250 words).
5. Primary contact/founder name, title, company, address, email and phone 

All speakers are required to submit copies of their presentations before 
September 21st, 2005.
These presentations will be included in the conference notes. All presentations 
will be made available after the conference in electronic (PDF) format.

Arjé Cahn, on behalf of the GT 2005 organising team.



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1017WT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel  +31 (0)20 5224466
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / www.hippo.nl

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