Hello everybody,

I updated the wiki page [1] and added a timetable to the agenda.
This is just a proposal, feel free to add your name to the speaker and change mine ;-).

I put down my name to the topics cocoon concepts and forrest, but I *really* just filling the gaps ;-).
I saw that Cheche from Forrest is coming as well.
If you like /please/ do the presentation about forrest (like I said I am feeling the gaps and just getting started to commit to forrest on a regular basis).

There are still 3 places left but registration will be closed soon.

Due to the fact that Andreas Hartmann from Wyona will fly in from Zuerich I guess is fair that everyone from us will pay 30€ for the event to cover the cost of the flight. He will make a workshop with us.

I reckon it is a good idea to bring along you laptops for the workshop!

I am looking forward to meet you in Madrid, Spain!

King regards


[1] http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004

Thorsten Scherler

Departamento de Desarrollo de Proyectos
Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información S.A.U.

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