Sebastian Kruse wrote:
> Hello,
>       I'm using Cocoon 2.2 with Tomcat 6.0.18 and have the following problem:
> In a Cocoon-Sitemap there are XML files created by using Flowscript. (In
> the Flowscript-Function content gets fetched from an database and is
> sent via sendPage().)
> These files are combined by map:aggregate to one single XML file.
> Although the single files are all correct, the large combined file is
> messed up. Some sections are missing, others are switched.
> The sitemap looks like this:
>       <map:match pattern="page.xml">
>               <map:aggregate element="Content">
>                       <map:part src="cocoon:/content1.xml"/>
>                       <map:part src="cocoon:/content2.xml"/>
>                       <map:part src="cocoon:/content3.xml"/>
>                       <map:part src="cocoon:/content4.xml"/>
>               </map:aggregate>
>               <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>       </map:match>
>       <map:match pattern="*.xml">
>               <map:call function="{1}"/>
>       </map:match>
>       <map:match pattern="*.jx" internal-only="true">
>               <map:generate type="jx" src="documents/{1}.jx"/>
>               <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>       </map:match>
> If only one XML-Part is "aggregated" everything is ok, if all are
> aggregated the content of "content1.xml" and "content3.xml" are switched
> and "content4.xml" ist empty.
> e.g.:
> <content1>
>       --here comes the content of <content3>
> </content1>
> <content2>
>       --here comes the content of <content2>
> </content2>
> <content3>
>       --here comes the content of <content3>
> </content3>
> <content4>
>       --this one contains nothing
> </content4>
> Is this a bug or is aggregation of "flow-content" a bad idea?
> Best regards,
> Sebastian Kruse
Hello Sebastian,

I think u have stumbled upon the same issue which we had before a while
which was never resolved .. here

i guess it would be better to post your problem to the development
mailing list with a reference to the jira issue 2216 .

Imran pariyani

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