Re: RE: Antwort: Re: JasperReports / JFreeReports

2005-09-08 Thread holger . willenborg
Thanks, it seems that the fragment is written into a (temporary) file. The filename is created using some hashing:  String id = Long.toHexString((hashCode()^HashUtil.hash(requestURI)) + fragmentID); After that, tha Extractor seems to output something like: where ID is the file name. If I fig

RE: Antwort: Re: JasperReports / JFreeReports

2005-09-08 Thread Andrew Stevens
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 14:53:34 +0200 > > A quick thought - would it be possible to use the Fragment Extractor > Transformer to write out the (generated) XML for JasperReports into a file, > then point JR at that? > > Andrew. > Can you give an example how this Transformer w

Antwort: Re: JasperReports / JFreeReports

2005-09-07 Thread holger . willenborg
> > A quick thought - would it be possible to use the Fragment Extractor > Transformer to write out the (generated) XML for JasperReports into a file, > then point JR at that? > > Andrew. > Can you give an example how this Transformer would create a file? The User Docs and the wiki do not co

Re: Antwort: Re: JasperReports / JFreeReports

2005-09-07 Thread Yves Vindevogel
It was for PDF and XLS that I would love to try it. I know both can be done from within Cocoon, but it seems more work with FOP than with Jasper. On 07 Sep 2005, at 09:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I forgot to mention that at the moment it only delivers PDF files. I have not yet tested HTML outpu

Antwort: Re: JasperReports / JFreeReports

2005-09-07 Thread holger . willenborg
I forgot to mention that at the moment it only delivers PDF files. I have not yet tested HTML output. Regards Holger [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 07.09.2005 09:21:53: > > Hi Yves, > > I wrote a reader (which is far from being mature). It's not really > integrated into Cocoon.  Let me know i