Hello Cocoon Users,

we recently encountered problems when using IE6 and the auth framework.
If IE is set to be very restrictive considering security, it does not
accept the
cookie set on login. There exist client side solutions in releasing the
settings in IE. A server side solution could be a P3P document.

Is this a known problem?
Are there any solutions to P3P out there (i.e. a serializer)?

Any help kindly appreciated - we do not yet know much about P3P and the

Thank you,
Michael Wirz

abs IT Service GmbH
abs gruppe
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Wirz
Leiter Entwicklung

Landsberger Straße 57
82266 Stegen am Ammersee
Telefon: +49 (0)8143 999 43
Telefax: +49 (0)8143 999 49


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