I just ran across this and thought it might help someone else...

If you are using the standalone demo Jetty servlet where it creates its temp files (and consequently it's upload directory) on a different file system from the cocoon deployment AND your File Upload Action naively uses File.renameTo() to copy the file to its final resting place File.renameTo() can fail. According to the Java spec this behavior is platform specific; this stands to reason since internally the rename probably just updates some filesystem pointers within the filesystem table/FAT, which it can't do if the file is destined for a different filesystem.

I saw this behavior using the standalone demo on my dev Linux machine since Jetty writes to /tmp/Jetty_ etc and my cocoon install is in /home on a different filesystem.

Anyway, to make a long story short, if this is an issue for anyone else you can change the action to try the rename and then do a copy if the rename fails.

Best regards,

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