I want to use HttpProxyGenerator to get some pages from another server 
(with POST protocol) and server them inside Cocoon.

I have faced the following problems using it:

1- If the returned page is in Shift_JIS encoding (Japanese character set),
then processing is stoped and says some characters are not supported in

I changed the source code and inserted something like following before
parsing of the result starts:

This worked for me. However, it would be nice to have a configuration
parameter to allow this setting in sitemap.

2- If the result is in HTML but not XML format it can't proceed. I think
it is good idea to combine functionlaity of HttpGenerator (I mean
tidying the input) inside this generator too. 

[However, I had same problems of encoding with HttpGenerator. So it
would be nice to resolve that problem too.]

3- When the result page has redirection I get an error on consule as

    INFO: Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabled

I see in the source code something like this:


However I don't know why it does not work.

I appreciate any help or patches resolving these issues.


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