Andrew Stevens wrote:
> Tobia Conforto writes:
> > I cannot change this data source component, therefore I need a
> > transformer to examine every text node in the stream, split it at the
> > fake "" tags, substitute them with elements, and
> > replace every escaped HTML entity with the relevant U
Never mind, I solved it "by hand"
I wrote a Python script that takes a list of HTML entities and generates
a huge tree of switch() { case: switch () { case: switch () { case: ...
The generated Java code goes through a char[] in a single pass and when
it recognizes an entity it pushes the associat
Oh, for crying out loud. Even after switching to plain text Hotmail still
strips out my included XML :-(
Let's try again - replace the square brackets below with the appropriate
less-than and greater-than symbols.
> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 14:06:59 +
> Tobia Conf
> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 14:06:59 +
> Tobia Conforto> writes:
>> I have a data source from which I get SAX text nodes into my pipeline
>> that contain escaped HTML entities and
tags. In Java syntax:
>> "Lorem ipsum — dolor sit amet.
Tobia Conforto> writes:
> I have a data source from which I get SAX text nodes into my pipeline
> that contain escaped HTML entities and tags. In Java syntax:
> "Lorem ipsum — dolor sit amet. Consectetuer"
> or, in XML syntax:
> Lorem ipsum — dolor sit amet.