RE: RE: SaveFilesTransformer

2006-09-21 Thread Geert Josten
Hi Rachid, I'm not sure I understand you fully, but to set filepath dynamically you have a few options I guess: 1. Use an input module to read the value and pass it to the XSL with a construct like this: (this reads a request-param named 'outputdir' and replaces the {..} part by the va

Re: RE: SaveFilesTransformer

2006-09-21 Thread rachid harradi
Original-Nachricht Datum: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 18:36:24 +0200 Von: "Geert Josten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> An: Betreff: RE: SaveFilesTransformer > Hi Rachid, > > Yes, you are going wrong at the point where you actually call the > save

RE: SaveFilesTransformer

2006-09-20 Thread Geert Josten
Hi Rachid, Yes, you are going wrong at the point where you actually call the savefiles transformer. This transformer is content driven, not parametrized with a save:file element. You have two options: 1. Wrap the result from the generate inside a save:file element using for instance the attach