I'm not sure if this is a Xerces  or a Cocoon question:

I'm doing DTD validation via SAX in a flowscript function in Cocoon 2.1.10.

Some fatalErrors are not being caught by my fatalError handler, but are
instead showing up as a Cocoon Java stacktrace.

The same thing happened when running the flowscript from rhino shell
command-line -- a Java/Javascript exception stack trace.

I wrapped the call to the parse method with a try/catch, and I'm able
to handle the error the same way as they are handled in my SAX error handlers.
( In fact, now that the program doesn't terminate early, I see that the
error does get reported to the handler and so I see a duplicate for this
  error in the results. )

However, when the code gets executed in cocoon flowscript, I still get a
stack-trace error page instead of my error report from flowscript.

Is there something I need to do to explicitly clear the error state other
than just catching the exception in my try/catch from javascript ?

-- Steve Majewski // UVA Alderman Library

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