Dear All,

I have a problem with Cocoon and eXist (by way of SOAP). I'm trying to store 
an XML document in an eXist database, with Cocoon initiating the request. All 
communication needs to be via SOAP.

My XSP looks like:

<xsp:page language="java"
        <soap:call url="http://sts590009:4080/exist/services/Admin";>
                        <sessionId><xsp-session-fw:getxml context="exist-context"
                                 path="/exist/sessionId" as="string"/></sessionId>

This generates the following error:
                                        java.rmi.RemoteException: null; nested 
exception is: 

My problem is the <data>. According to the eXist APIs, this should be base64 
encoded binary data. How do I do that from within an XSP? I modified the SOAP 
call so that the data section read:
<data xsi:type="xsd:base64Binary"

The SOAP error for this is:
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Deserializing parameter 'data':  could not find 
deserializer for type base64Binary

So how do I get <smurf>test</smurf> converted to base64? Or am I thinking 
about this the wrong way?

Any help appreciated!

Peter Raftos
Project Officer
Scholarly Technology Services
Australian National University

Tel: (61 2) 6125 1065

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