I Cocoon 2.2 running on Glassfish 3.1 and I'm using the I18nTransformer and I'm using a generator to create the translation files (see pipelines and transformer config below), my problem is thet when I use the DerbyEmbedded database, the transformer does not work, I can call the pipelines ok so is a transformer+DerbyEmbedded problem. It works with DerbyNetworkServer and MSSQL.

Transformer config:

<map:transformer name="i18n" src="org.apache.cocoon.transformation.I18nTransformer">
<catalogues default="msim_id">
<catalogue id="msim_id" name="dictionary" location="cocoon:/" />

Dictionary pipelines:

<map:pipeline id="translation" type="noncaching">
<map:match pattern="dictionary.xml">
<map:generate type="dictionary" src="en" />
<map:serialize type="xml" />

<map:match pattern="dictionary_en.xml">
<map:generate type="dictionary" src="en" />
<map:serialize type="xml" />

<map:match pattern="dictionary_es.xml">
<map:generate type="dictionary" src="es" />
<map:serialize type="xml" />

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