I'm trying to design a form which contains multiple submit buttons in combination with flowscript. In HTML this is usually solved by defining multiple input elements (type="submit") with same name, but with different value.

All Woody examples contain definition of submit button in the form template, but there is neither value nor name of input element. So I don't know how to set it up to make multiple submit buttons possible.

I think the only way is to define wd:action element in form model. Since there is no documentation on wd:action I had to guess how to use it. Sample of my test case is here:

<wd:action id="button" action-command="logon">

Applying of Woody transformer (template->instance) generates following output:

<wi:action id="button">

Then after applying woody-default.xsl following html output:

<input name="button" type="submit" value="Logon" />

The problem is that when I submit the form, flowscript doesn't return from showForm() call (it even doesn't validate form). The form is redisplayed without any change.

I would like also to know how to identify submit value in flowscript. I know that there is submitId attribute of form, but it seems to be always null.

Vladimir 'Yilard' Marko

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