On 05.04.2007 08:12, Bhavya Sharma wrote:
can anybody tell me how i can insert swf (flash file) in index_en.xml file
i can insert into xsl file but whenver i try to insert flash file using
tag into xml *it* will automatically replace it with img tag
Can you tell what this *it* is that shall
you may simply need to put CDATA tags around it!
On 05/04/07, Andrew Madu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
the following works for me:
width="583" height="63">
Thanks now its working
On 4/5/07, Andrew Madu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
you may simply need to put CDATA tags around it!
On 05/04/07, Andrew Madu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bhavya,
> the following works for me:
> classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-44455354" code
the following works for me:
width="583" height="63">
Hi everybody
can anybody tell me how i can insert swf (flash file) in index_en.xml file
i can insert into xsl file but whenver i try to insert flash file using
tag into xml it will automatically replace it with img tag
Plz reply ASAP if possible.
Bhavya Sharma