Jason,The error messages are pretty clear, importClass() requires a Java class as an argument, my bad! Yes I should have simply stated importPackage(). Time for some sleep me thinks!!!regardsAndrew
Andrew Madu wrote:
> When I try and import the following class into my flowscript:
> importClass(Packages.com.paypal.soap.api.*);
> I get an:
> '*missing name after . operator*'
> error message. If I do the following:
> importClass(Packages.com.paypal.soap.api);
> I get
When I try and import the following class into my flowscript:importClass(Packages.com.paypal.soap.api.*);I get an: 'missing name after . operator' error message. If I do the following:importClass(Packages.com.paypal.soap.api);I get an: Not a Java class: [JavaPackage com.paypal.soap.api]error messag