
I'm trying to understand the petstore sample and I hoped someone could
help me understand how the following code works. 

function main(funName) {
    var fun = this[funName];
    var args = new Array(arguments.length -1);
    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        args[i-1] = arguments[i];

What I understand here is that the only purpose of the function called
"main" is to be sure that it is called each time a request matches *.do

<map:match pattern="*.do">
   <map:call function="main">
     <map:parameter name="page" value="{1}"/>

I don't understand why we fetch other arguments, arguments.length should
always equal one.

I tried to copy-paste this in my own application because I need that
too. It doesn't work. In my application fun stays empty so
fun.apply(args) doesn't work ...
In my application funName takes the value of the "page" parameter

Also I don't any function called "apply" in javascript and I don't
understand what this[funName] should return... I'm lost here.

Also I don't understand something else in the pagination management (for
example in the function viewCategory() in petstore.js) 
I don't get why we need the cocoon.createPageLocal(). 

>From what I understand about continuations, Cocoon automatically creates
a continuation when we call sendPageAndWait(). So Cocoon should
automatically remember the values of rowcount and skipmaxresults without
having to call createPageLocal(). There's something that I don't get

The code is below. Thanks in advance for your help and the time given.


function viewCategory() {
    var categoryId = cocoon.request.get("categoryId");
    var category = getPetStore().getCategory(categoryId);
    var maxResults = MAX_RESULTS;
    /* page local variable to keep track of pagination */
    var local = cocoon.createPageLocal();
    local.skipResults = 0;
    while (true) {
        var productList =
        local.lastPage = !productList.isLimitedByMaxRows;
        local.rowCount = productList.rowCount;
        var contextData = {
            accountForm: accountForm,
            productList: productList.rows,
            category: category,
            firstPage: local.skipResults == 0,
            lastPage: local.lastPage
        cocoon.sendPageAndWait("view/Category" + EXT, 
                               function () {
                                   /* release contextData and
productList */
                                   contextData = null;
                                   productList = null;
        var page = cocoon.request.get("page");
        if (page == "previous") {
            if (local.skipResults != 0) {
                local.skipResults -= maxResults;
        } else if (page == "next") {
            if (!local.lastPage) {
                local.skipResults += local.rowCount;

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