David Geleyn wrote:
Hi all!

I'm looking at the (new) portal engine of cocoon and I
have some questions about it:

It is possible to make any coplet fullscreen, which is
great, but how exactly do you know whether you are in
full screen mode or not (when you are creating the
coplet)? It would be great to know this, because it

IIRC this is handled by the renderers. The rederer gets this information because the layout object carries this information. The layout in turn is modified by some component (DefaultChangeAspectDataEventSubscriber) that is subscribed to the appropriate portal event (ChangeAspectDataEvent).

If your coplet would be subscribed to the same event, it
would be informed of this change.

It would be great to have a coplet with some data that
depends on request parameters. The request parameters
are now read by all the coplets (correct me if I'm
wrong). Is it possible to make sure that request

All request parameters are made available to all coplets.

parameters are only processed by one coplet instance?
Maybe I can illustrate this with an example: If you
have a coplet that list all users and you want a
filter option (selection list) to view only the
administrators you have to use a request parameter.
This parameter is also read by the other coplet
instances. Now, If you want also an instance of the
same coplet in the same portal view, but with only the
'guest users' listed, you have a problem, I assume? Or
is there any way to avoid this?

Those coplets would need to talk to each other through the portal event mechanism.

It do not that that the coplets are meant to list only
administrators or guests. Both instances should be
able to show them both!



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