On 21.05.2007 14:09, Vaduvoiu Tiberiu wrote:
Ok, so far I worked on my application using only cocoon, my trunk
folder with all my files were/still are in C:/mysite/trunk in cocoon
in the mount table I had a <mount uri-prefix="mysite/"
src="file://C:/mysite/trunk/"/>, everything worked ok. Now I am
working with tomcat, I am running cocoon from tomcat, I made the
cocoon.war file, deployed it in tomcat, now instead of localhost:8888/ cocoon starts from localhost:8080/cocoon.

My question is...how do I run my application now? I tryed copying the
whole mysite folder in the cocoon folder in tomcat/webapps but it
doesn't work. Anyone knows how I should run my site now that I am
using tomcat? 10x in advance


first please ask such questions on the users list (to which I answer it) since the dev list is targetted for development of Cocoon itself.

Then I don't get what's your actually problem. Do you want Cocoon to be started at the ROOT context (localhost:8080 instead of localhost:8080/cocoon)? Does the mount table no longer work? Do you have any exception?


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