I have my outline with the attribute "state" :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 

<opml version="2.0"><body> 

   <outline id="1" state="available" 


... my form definition :

<fd:repeater id="outlines"> 

  <fd:widgets> ...

    <fd:field id="state">
        <fd:datatype base="string"/>
        <fd:selection-list src="cocoon:/selectionList/feedStates"/>


 ... </fd:widgets> 


The pipeline of URI cocoon:/selectionList/feedStates use the file : 

<x:states object="feed"> 

I'm looking for a method for my widgets lists "state" take the value of 
opml/body/outlin/@statein my repeater. 

Have you got an idea ? 

Grégory Roche 

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