
I have a strange problem. I'm using blob:/ source (<map:transform 
src="blob:/pool/table/content[id={1}]"/>) to put out XSL template from db. 
That's ok. In this template are imported (by <xsl:import 
href="cocoon:/source/123">) some other subtemplates via cocoon:/ protocol 
(pipeline "source/*" contains databasereader). All works fine and correctly, 
but... after several site reloads the browser freezes and has no response 
(performance of processor 0%, activity of browser 0% :)

And from now every next request, it want use this sitemap has no response. But 
any other sitemaps seem to be ok (requests have usual response).

I find, that if XSL template imports just one subtemplate (via cocoon:/), then 
it is approx. 10 reloads to crash, if it imports 2 subtemplates, it is cca 5 
reloads to crash --> it seems to be linear dependence (lack of memory 

But what to do with that now? Can help some setting of sitemap (e.g. timeout, 
memory peak) or setting of databasereader or whatever? Is here any possibility 
to meaningful debugging? Can it be caused by bugs in old version of cocoon (I 
have version from august 2003, I guess)?

For any suggestion many thanks!

Otmar Vobejda

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