Re: help over rsync vs cvsupd perfmance

2007-01-30 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
The testing is not yet done for my job commitments, but I want to test rsync and cvsup performances. At this point, I think that I must to test with DragonFly 1.8 and DragonFly 1.9 releases. I hope (and I will try hard) that I could to finish my pledge before the end of next mounth.

Re: help over rsync vs cvsupd perfmance

2007-01-03 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I tried: cvsup -h /usr/share/examples/cvsup/DragonFly-src-supfile to update DragonFly's source. How can I update DragonFly's source with rsync? I tried: rsync -e rsh rsync:// /usr/src but it don't work. Where is my error? Saverio

Re: help over rsync vs cvsupd perfmance

2007-01-01 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Ok, I want to do a good test. So, I need some days yet, about one or two weeeks, the CVSup and rsync mirrors that I will test they are: 1) 2) 3) My intention about test is the following: 1) I will test CVSup: - without and with compression of

Re: help over rsync vs cvsupd perfmance

2007-01-01 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
1) What meaning raw cvsup vs. raw rsync? 2) What is raw BTW, Saverio - when you say you're testing rsync without ssh, I'm assuming that you'll be talking to the rsync daemon on the remote server - is that right? I don't know if I will test this particul feature of rsync, but the problem for me

Re: help over rsync vs cvsupd perfmance

2006-12-30 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
So, I have DragonFly 1.7 updated to 25 december. I'm going to start test, I would know if I can bring my system to DragonFly 1.6.1 with cvsup and rsync, or if I can only update. Regards, Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo!

Re: help over rsync vs cvsupd perfmance

2006-12-30 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
You can with cvsup, make a copy of the 1.6-release sup-file and changes the line *default release=cvs tag=DragonFly_RELEASE_1_6_Slip to *default release=cvs tag=DragonFly_RELEASE_1_6_1 and use it to pull down the sources. and is it possible to set the same feature in rsync or in rsync.conf? Is it

Re: help over rsync vs cvsupd perfmance

2006-12-30 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I have two questions about benchmark: 1) Must I use tools to measure net performance during updating operation with cvsup or rsync? 2) What are important informations which I must to weigh? What are informations that it needs? __ Do You Yahoo!?

Re: help over rsync vs cvsupd perfmance

2006-12-29 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I need a list of url where I enabled to download DragonFly source both rsync and cvsup. __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i tuoi file e i messaggi

help over rsync vs cvsupd perfmance

2006-12-25 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I find, in the DragonFly project page, the following matter: - Benchmark rsync vs. cvsupd for getting source code updates Ok, I would like to test benchmark, but I need help to choose software for benckmarking and help to formulate test cases. Someone has suggestions? Regards, Saverio

Re: help over rsync vs cvsupd perfmance

2006-12-25 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Ok, expect you results of test and benchmark between cvsupd and rsyncd within eight days. If I need to help, then I will write over this forum. Regards, Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti

option 'create' of ifconfig

2006-12-04 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I read the ifconfig man page, and I would know what is the psudo device interface that one can create with optiopn 'create'. Can someone insert a example? Regards, Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo

Re: option 'create' of ifconfig

2006-12-04 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
You can create bridge and vlan devices using it. I want create a virtual network interface, or I want also to group many physical interfaces to one virtual network interface. __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge

Re: option 'create' of ifconfig

2006-12-04 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
What would you like to achieve? A mounth ago, I posted about a possible bonding feature in DragonFly. I would like create a bonding feature in Dragonfly, then I must to program in C language, but I don't want create a module as in Linux. I think that is better and simplier modify the ifconfig

Re: graphical boot in DFly

2006-12-04 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Try this (origionaly from Ezra): Edit /etc/ttys Look for the line ttyv8 /usr/pkg/xorg/bin/xdm -nodaemon xterm off secure and change off to on. No, it does not work, but it appears on the screen: init:repeating too quickly on port /dev/ttyv8, sleeping 30 secs

IDE C in DFly

2006-11-26 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Hi all, I would to know a graphical framework wich I can find in Pkgsrc to develop in C/C++. Regards, Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i tuoi file e i

how starts openoffice

2006-11-23 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I installed openoffice-bin-2.0.4.tgz, but I don't know how to start oprnoffice from GUI. What is the openoffice command? Regards, Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio

Re: how starts openoffice

2006-11-23 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
#soffice ELF binary type 0 not known. Abort trap ELF binary type 0 not known. Abort trap ELF binary type 0 not known. Abort trap # __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i

2006-11-23 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Ok, it works, thank you very much. Regards, Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i tuoi file e i messaggi

about cvsup and supfile...

2006-11-17 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I want update DFly with cvsup, but I want to optimize the upgrade operation. I don't want to upgrade all system, but only kernel and some application. 1 - Is it possible to set cvsup for thos operation? 2 - How can I find howto about supfile? Regards, Saverio

Question on Pkgsrc

2006-11-16 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
What is the difference in mirror between pkgsrc current and pkgsrc stable? __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i tuoi file e i

DFly vs other BSD

2006-11-13 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
At this point of DragonFly development, I have got some questions. That is to say: 1) What are major differences between DragonFlyBSD and FreeBSD. Today DragonFlyBSD could be the better choice than FreeBSD in some matter. 2) Today DragonFlyBSD could be the better choice than NetBSD or OpenBSD in

Re: multimedia and desktop

2006-11-13 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
On 2) -- what does the Xorg.log.0 tell? Libs not found, program not found, anything? 3) may occur from e.g. fluxbox actually not expanding ~ macro, or does it? You might be better off with $HOME/backgrounds... ? I try with session.screen0.rootCommand: fbsetbg -f

multimedia and desktop

2006-11-10 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I have some questions about multimedia and desktop: 1) How can I to able sound in DragonFly? 2) How can I to able screesaver in X (especially Fluxbox)? 3) How can I set backgrounds (wallpapers) in fluxbox? 4) How can I try automatically gkrellm and other tools over Fluxbox in DragonFly? Thanks,

Re: multimedia and desktop

2006-11-10 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
1) kldload snd_... or inserting line snd_..._enable=YES into rc.conf snd_..._enable=YES What I must put in ..., it depends by card? __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per

Re: multimedia and desktop

2006-11-10 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
The following is my audio card (from pciconf -lv): [EMAIL PROTECTED]:17:5: class=0x040100 card=0x82121565 chip=0x30591106 rev=0x60 hdr=0x00 vendor = 'VIA Technologies Inc' device = 'VT8233/33A/8235/8237/8251 AC97 Enhanced Audio Controller - the 8251 controller is different' class

Re: multimedia and desktop

2006-11-10 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
4) How can I try automatically gkrellm and other tools over Fluxbox in DragonFly? Install them from pkgsrc and then run them? There may be something to your question I'm missing. I've installed gkrellm from pkgsrc, and I tried typing 1) /usr/pkg/bin/gkrellm 2) /usr/pkg/bin/gkrellm 3) exec

Re: multimedia and desktop

2006-11-10 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I must create /boot/loader.conf, because that file don't exist. #ls /boot loader* loader loader.4th loader.rc loader_tftp __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto

Problem with 'core pointer' (Xorg)

2006-11-09 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I have a problem with X server. I type startx, but fluxbox don't start, it gives a problem with 'core pointer' I attached my configuration files for X11. Thanks, Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo

Re: Problem with 'core pointer' (Xorg)

2006-11-09 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I inserted /dev/sysmouse and startx works (with depth 8 in xorg.conf), but I am not able to move pointer on the screen. In fact, fluxbox appears very big in the screen and I cannnot move pointer of mouse. I try startx with depth 16 in xorg.conf, but it appears that my driver ('vga') don't support

Re: Problem with 'core pointer' (Xorg)

2006-11-09 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
What I must try to detect video card __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i tuoi file e i messaggi

Re: Problem with 'core pointer' (Xorg)

2006-11-09 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0:0: class=0x06 card=0x02041106 chip=0x02041106 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00 vendor = 'VIA Technologies Inc' device = 'K8M400 CPU to PCI Bridge' class= bridge subclass = HOST-PCI [EMAIL PROTECTED]:0:1: class=0x06 card=0x chip=0x12041106 rev=0x00

Re: Problem with 'core pointer' (Xorg)

2006-11-09 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I modified xorg.conf. If I try xorg.conf with S3 (Driver S3 in Graphics Device Section), then it appears: (EE) Failed to load module S3 (EE) No drivers available (I suppose wich this is not the correct driver) If I try xorg.conf with s3 (Driver s3), then it appears: (EE) No devices detected

Re: bonding driver in DragonFly

2006-11-07 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Is there a feature in DragonFly similar to ifenslave and to bond0 interface: ifenslave bond0 eth0 eth1 ifconfig bond0 ... with virtual interface bond0 wich bonds eth0 and eth1. If there is not, then I would can to implement this feature in DragonFly.

DFly don't see Windows

2006-11-06 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I connected DragonFly and Windows with a cross-over cable. The Windows ip is, instead DFly ip is The subnet is the same. ping (from windows) works, but ping (from dfly) don't work. Saverio __

Re: DFly don't see Windows

2006-11-06 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Ok, it works. Thank you, Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i tuoi file e i messaggi

Re: bonding driver in DragonFly

2006-11-06 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
ng_one2many(4), ng_fec(4). It don't exist ng_fec man page. In Linux I can try: #attach eth0 and eth1 to virtual interface bond0 ifenslave bond0 eth0 eth1 #configure bond0 ifconfig bond0 netmask If eth0 interface is detached then comunication continue with eth1

Re: updating from 1.6.2 to 1.7.x

2006-10-27 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
1) I don't want recompile from zero the system, but only the missing pieces. # cvsup -h host /usr/share/examples/cvsup/DragonFly-src-supfile where host is any of the mirrors offering cvsup- access from the list at's download-section. Can it be

Re: Problem with ssh connection

2006-10-26 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
It does not work! I have got two hosts: and On I typed: #ssh-keygen -t rsa and I moved the content of /root/.ssh/ in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys of with pendrive. I modified /etc/ssh/ssh_config on, but the first host does not

Re: Problem with ssh connection

2006-10-26 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
No, ssh_config is the configuration file for client ssh. Then, I must to configure the above file on client, that is to say on I add PermitRootLogin without-password in /etc/ssh/ssh_config on, and type: #ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] The output is: /etc/ssh/ssh_config: line26:

Re: Problem with ssh connection

2006-10-26 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
So, ssh_config file in host is: # $OpenBSD: ssh_config,v 1.21 2005/12/06 22:38:27 reyk Exp $ # $DragonFly: src/secure/usr.bin/ssh/ssh_config.no_obj.patch,v 1.4 2006/02/13 14:47:58 corecode Exp $ # This is the ssh client system-wide configuration file. See # ssh_config(5)

updating from 1.6.2 to 1.7.x

2006-10-26 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I would update DragonFly 1.6.2 to 1.7.x. How can I update from 1.6.2 to latest devel version? Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i tuoi file e i messaggi

Problem with ssh connection

2006-10-24 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I've two DFly machines with sshd enabled. I typed sshd_enable=yes in /etc/rc.conf, I created the key pair with ssh-keygen. The problem is that I can't to connect to from with scp for copying the file. Then, I moved the content in remote

Xen vs VMware

2006-10-18 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
1) What is the difference beetwen Xen and VMware? 2) What is the better choice: Xen or VMware? 3) Why does it exist a project of porting for Xen on DragonFly, and why it doesn't exist the same project for VMware? __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e

notebook compliant with Dfly 1.6.x

2006-10-14 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I want buy a notebook, where I will install also DragonFly. What are the better choice in this matter: 1) there are the trademarks better than other for hardware compatility (Acer or Asus...) 2) and what models of notebook you recommend me for hardware compatility Thanks, Saverio PS = I read

Re: question about sendmail

2006-09-01 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
But I don't want send my mail through I want to configure a mail server on my box to practise me in this matter. 1) I want configure my domain without to use bind or similar 2) I want set hostname 3) I want configure a mail server for sending out mails Thanks, Saverio

Re: question about sendmail

2006-08-30 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
1) I cannot send mail, It's strange because at first time I sent some mail. Now I think that I send locally. 2) I read various parts of man page, but for configuring I must add certain feature. Is There a file o example containig this feature? 3) I report my /var/log/maillog file, I

Re: question about packages installation

2006-08-29 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I writed in .cshrc: setenv PKG_PATH; After I tried: #echo $PKG_PATH

Re: start fluxbox on DFly

2006-08-29 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Ok, I read that FAQ section! Thank you. Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i tuoi file e i messaggi

Re: question about packages installation

2006-08-28 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Depends, what shell you are using. I use tcsh, so i put all my stuff into ~/.cshrc The default shell of DragonFly, I think tcsh. __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i

Re: question about packages installation

2006-08-28 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
My default shell is csh. I writed in /root/.cshrc setenv PKG_PATH ftp://theURL but I would to set multiple paths. Is it possible to set multiple environment values with setenv? Really, I installed abiword-2.4.5.tgz from ftp://.../All directory, but I don't can use abiword bacause there is a

questions about interfaces

2006-08-27 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
#ifconfig -a rl0: flags=8843UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::20e:2eff:fe77:17a7%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast ether 00:0e:2e:77:17:a7 media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX

question about sendmail

2006-08-27 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
After the installation, DFly OS have got a active sendmail server. 1) Does it need to configure a DNS server for sending email with mail client and sendmail? 2) Can sendmail works in indipendent way from DNS server? Regards, Saverio __ Do You

Re: questions about interfaces

2006-08-27 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Why loopback interface showed as lo0? Why having multiple loopback interfaces? __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i tuoi file e i messaggi

question about packages installation

2006-08-27 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Exist it a software to install pkgsrc packages and which checks dependencies and installs automatically dependant packages. Regards, Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio

Re: question about packages installation

2006-08-27 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
For example, I would install firefox-, then I must try: #pkg_add firefox- (and installation fails because it needs other packages) #bmake install __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e

Re: question about packages installation

2006-08-27 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Ok, but the follows command: #pkg_add don't install the packages wich need for firefox installation. So, installation fails because it needs to install before other packages. pkg_add check

Re: question about packages installation

2006-08-27 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
So, I edit: #setenv PKG_PATH pkg_add command works, but the problem is that not all packages are present in directory. In

Re: start fluxbox on DFly

2006-08-26 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Fluxbox doen not start! I created /etc/X11/xorg.conf file with xorgconfig. I posted information about my graphic and audio cards, that I obtained with my Windows XP box: Video card: VIA/S3G UniChrome Pro IGP Vendor: VIA/S3G Location: Bus PCI 1, peripheral 0, function 0 Audio controller: Realtek

Re: start fluxbox on DFly

2006-08-26 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
The /var/log/xorg.0.log file tells: (II) VIA: driver for VIA chipsets: CLE266, KM400/KN400, K8M800, PM800/PM880/CN400 (II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0 (--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device (--) Chipset K8M800 found (!!) VIA Technologies does not support or endorse this

usb device and internet

2006-08-24 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I connected a switch through usb port to my DFly box. The output is: #ugen0 - USB NET CARD, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2 I would browsing in internet through usb device. Is it possibile to assigne a IP address through usb device? I modified /etc/rc.conf with: #cat ifconfig_ugen0=DHCP /etc/rc.conf

Re: usb device and internet

2006-08-24 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
#ifconfig -a sis0: flags=8802BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST mtu 1500 ether 00:0c:6e:da:7f:ee media: Ethernet autoselect (none) status: no carrier fwe0: flags=8802BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST mtu 1500 ether 02:e0:18:11:92:b2 ch 1 dma -1 lp0:

DFly installation fails on my HP notebook

2006-08-22 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I installed DFly 1.6.0 on my old HP notebook, when I reboot the system the last output is: Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode fault virtual address = 0xe70766 fault code = supervised read, page not present instruction pointer = 0x8:0xc00e8f35 stack pointer

Re: DFly installation fails on my HP notebook

2006-08-22 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
If that doesn't help, please type trace at the db prompt to get us a backtrace (btw, do you have makeoptions DEBUG=-g in your kernel config?). I've installed DFly 1.6.1 on my notebook, but there is yet the same problem. ... ... db trace kernbase(1,c06ffacc,c04d5b16,30a,20) at 0xc00e8f35

evolution of cpdup

2006-08-22 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I read in DFly digest about changes in cpdup for remote incremental backup as rsync and other tools. I would know if the cpdup method for remote synchronization is different from other method. In fact, there a lot of tools for remote incremental backup. A remote synchronization implemented in

Re: how updating packages

2006-08-20 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Where is my patch ( s-iacovelli.diff ) for ucarp-1.1? Do must I send a mail with patch to maintainer of this package? Thanks everyone for answers in advance. Regards, Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo

Re: start fluxbox on DFly

2006-08-19 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I don't know configure xorg.conf. Does it exist a specific documentation for xorg.conf configuration? I don't found the documentation that I need in __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da

Re: Problem with url2pkg

2006-08-18 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I have two last questions about this topic, that is to say: 1) where is my patch for ucarp? 2) Can I see changes likened at my patch? Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio

Re: start fluxbox on DFly

2006-08-18 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I installed most packages of xorg, startx command fails with following output: (EE) Failed to load module fbdev (module does not exist, 0) xterm: not found xterm: not found exec: xterm: not found ... ... /usr/pkg/xorg/bin/xauth: creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority

DragonFly programmming

2006-08-18 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I would know links about C programming on DragonFly Regards, Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i tuoi file e i messaggi

Re: Problem with url2pkg

2006-08-17 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
So, these are commands that I used: 1) cd /usr/pkgsrc/net/ucarp 2) changed ucarp version in makefile 3) bmake makesum distinfo file is updated. What are my next actions to create patch for binary package? __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto

Re: Problem with url2pkg

2006-08-17 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
bmake print-PLIST | tee What is difference between | and tee commands __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio gratuito per i tuoi file e i messaggi

Re: start fluxbox on DFly

2006-08-17 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
We need more information about your X setup and what happens when you run startx. Did you check your X log? #startx startx: Command not found. __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti protegge dallo spam e ti da tanto spazio

Re: Problem with url2pkg

2006-08-17 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Wow, cvs updated! thank you very much. !) The bmake install output is: Registering installation for ucarpnb1 ucarp-1.2nb1 requires installed package gettext-lib-0.14.5 2) I try: #bmake print-PLIST | tee but I could also write: #bmake print-PLIST (the difference is that I

Re: start fluxbox on DFly

2006-08-17 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I installed only the packages needing for fluxbox: Xrender (with freetype2, fontconfig and expat) and xorg-libs. #pkg_info xorg-clinets | grep startx pkg_info: can't find package 'xorg-clients' #pkg_info | grep xorg xorg-libs-6.9.0nb6 Libraries

Re: Problem with url2pkg

2006-08-16 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Have you actually installed pkgsrc ? I only installed DragonFly 1.6.0 and some pkgtools (like url2pkg, pkglint, pkgdep...). Pkgsrc framework didn't install with DragonFly OS? Saverio __ Do You Yahoo!? Poco spazio e tanto spam? Yahoo! Mail ti

Re: Problem with url2pkg

2006-08-16 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Simple edit the pkgsrc/net/ucarp/Makefile to change the version and try make makesum Ok, but I don't see makefile in directory and if I open ucarp-1.1nb1-1.tgz it there isn't makefile. Excuse me, but I newbie

Re: Problem with url2pkg

2006-08-15 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
The error is coming from this test in url2pkg: if [ ! -f ../../mk/ ]; then echo Run this in .../pkgsrc/foo/bar ! exit 1 fi So, what happens if you do this: #cd /usr/pkgsrc/net/ucarp #ls ../../mk/ So, I have test.txt in /usr/pkgsrc directory: #cat

Re: Problem with url2pkg

2006-08-15 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Don't run it in a directory already in use. cd /usr/pkgsrc # or wherever you keep it mkdir -p NEW/ucarp cd NEW/ucarp url2pkg Anyways, it doesn't not make sense to create a new package from scratch when it already exists. Just

Problem with url2pkg

2006-08-14 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I try in /usr/pkgsrc/net/ url2pkg but there is the following error message: Run this in .../pkgsrc/foo/bar ! How can I solve this problem? Thanks everyone for possible answers, Saverio Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!

Re: how updating packages

2006-08-13 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I read documentation of pkgsrc, but for making patch 1) I must create package for ucarp-1.2 2) I must create patch with mkpatches An other question is the follow: I can't modify package in cvs tree, but only I send to maintainer mail with patch. Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo

Re: how updating packages

2006-08-10 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Ok, now I have a few the time to create packages in DragonFly. I installed DFly 1.6.0 and I want create pkgsrc packages for DFly 1.6.0. I read the pkgsrc documentation, but I meet some problem. I follow these steps: 1) I created /usr/pkgsrc/misc directory 2) I moved ucarp-1.2.tar.gz in this

Re: how updating packages

2006-08-10 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I typed bmake show-options in /usr/pkgsrc/misc/ucarp-1.2 directory, the output is the follows: bmake: don't know how to make show-options bmake: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/misc/ucarp-1.2 Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!*

Re: how updating packages

2006-08-10 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I'm not write still the patches, but I want learn. How can I find some good documentation on distfile, make, but especially on patching in UNIX and DFly? Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!*

Re: contributing to DFly project with shell scripting

2006-07-19 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
If I understanded, for testing DragonFly, shell scripts need to execute quickly all commands that they can execute manually. In this case, I can obtain same result if I execute manually the shell commands. Can you give me a example of test script? Regards, Saverio Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici

login to wiki

2006-07-15 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I lose my personal userd id and password to login dragonflywiki. How can I have these informations? Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!*

how updating packages

2006-07-15 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I see the PkgSrc packages for DragonFly, and somethings packages that I think important didn't update. How can I update these packages? I need tutorials and informations. Regards, Saverio Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!

Re: contributing to DFly project with shell scripting

2006-07-09 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Ok, I'm going to test something feature of DragonFly with sh scripts... Thank you, Saverio Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!*

contributing to DFly project with shell scripting

2006-07-07 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I want to contribute (or to help) to DragonFly project. I translated the italian FAQ, and I'm going to check a next time the page FAQ, but I also know the shell scripting and I also would to contribute with shell scripting. How can I use the shell scripting to contribute the DragonFly project?

Re: What would you like in DF 1.8?

2006-07-04 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I very interested to DragonFly Project, and I think that DragonFly project have infinite potentialities. In my opinion: 1) Each DFly's release must have got as first goal of improving the support for the cluster and multiprocessor systems. 2) If DragonFly want be an ambitious project then it

Re: Impressions on DFly and other questions

2006-06-03 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I suppose removing ipfw would then be a form of natural selection. I agree with this opinion 5) What are the future for the packaging management in DragonFly, or the pkgsrc in DragonFly, or the other solutions? Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!

DFfy 1.5.3 installer

2006-04-21 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Have DragonFly 1.5.3 the bug in installer as DragonFly 1.5.2? Thanks, Saverio ___ Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi e allegati da 10MB

RE: GNU make not installed

2006-04-21 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
What is the follows file: bootstrap-pkgsrc-DragonFly-1.4.3-RELEASE-i386-20060329.tar.gz ___ Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi e allegati da 10MB

problem with pendrive

2006-04-21 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I connected the usb pendrive on my laptop, and I received the output: umass0: vendor 0x... da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0 da0: MemoRight Flash Disk 2.00 Removable Direct Acccess SCSI-2 device ... ... I create the /mnt/usb directory. I typed mount /dev/da0 /mnt/usb. The outout is:

RE: problem with pendrive

2006-04-21 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
The output is #mount -t ms_dos /dev/da0 /mnt/usb (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): SYNCRONIZE CACHE. CDB... (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): NOT READY asc:3a,0 (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): Medium not present mount: /dev/da0: invalid argument or #mount_msdos /dev/da0 /mnt/usb (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): SYNCRONIZE CACHE.

Re: FAQ in italian!!

2006-04-14 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
1: Go to 2: Register yourself on the wiki 3: Create a new page for the FAQ in Italian 4: Type in translated version Existing list here: I create this page, and I edited. The FAQ page in italian is ready!! Are

installing DFly over third partition

2006-04-13 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Hello, I downloaded DragonFly 1.4.2. I must to install DragonFly on my laptop, and the hard disk's partioning is the following: - First partition with Windows XP - Second partition with Linux - other I must to create a third partition for DragonFly, I must to use fdisk. How do I use fdisk?

Re: installing DFly over third partition

2006-04-13 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Severino, you can used fdisk as usual. Make a partition for DragonFly, then boot from the DragonFly CD. There's an option to use a part of a harddisk for the installation. DFLY makes his slices then in the selected partition. I use grub here as a boot manager, tri-booting Linux,

Problem with CDROM

2006-04-13 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Finally!! I installed DragonFly BSD on laptop! Now, I cannot to mount the cd-rom: #mkdir /mnt/cdrom #mount /dev/cd0 /mnt/cdrom mount: /dev/cd0: No such file or directory #mount /dev/cd0a /mnt/cdrom mount: /dev/cd0a on /mnt/cdrom: incorrect super block #mount /dev/cd0c /mnt/cdrom mount: /dev/cd0c

FAQ in italian!!

2006-04-13 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I can to translate the FAQ page in italian. What steps must I to follow? Thanks, Saverio ___ Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi e allegati da 10MB

GNU make not installed

2006-04-13 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
Gnu make not installed on the system. Where can I to find a precompiled package of make? Thanks, Saverio ___ Bolletta salata? Passa a Yahoo! Messenger with Voice

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