> -lglib-2.0 -lintl
> I must include all above librarries and path in gcc command, how can I
> run gcc with pkg-config as
> gcc 'pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs --cflags
Use backticks like this:
> gcc `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs --cflags` ....
`` is totally differe
A collegue of mine has a similar problem, he told me rsync in version 3
has support for iconv and will convert filenames between different
charsets. Haven't tried it myself, though.
Ulrich Spoerlein
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool,
than to speak, and remove all doubt.
On Thu, 14.02.2008 at 22:16:38 +0100, Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:
> Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:
> > /modules/acpi.ko text=0x477c0 data=0x2034+0xc98 syms=[0x4+0x6e60+0x4+0x8bfc]
> > -
> >
> > And then it's dead
> Are you sure (sure sure) it is de
0x477c0 data=0x2034+0xc98 syms=[0x4+0x6e60+0x4+0x8bfc]
And then it's dead
Ulrich Spoerlein
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool,
than to speak, and remove all doubt.