Re: Source jar file for wss4j-1.6.5.jar

2012-05-15 Thread Freeman Fang
Hi, You can find it from[1] [1] Freeman On 2012-5-16, at 上午2:57, Gina Choi wrote: Could some one tell me where can I get source jar file for wss4j-1.6.5.jar? Thanks. Gina - Freema

Using Response.entity() returns different JSON

2012-05-15 Thread jsicotte
I am seeing an issue where if I have a method that returns a POJO (for example User): @GET @Produces("application/json") public User getUser( The JSON returned will be of the format: { "firstName":"foo","lastName":"bar"} However, if I change the method to return an instance

Re: Issue trying to deploy my webservice bundle on karaf

2012-05-15 Thread sudha.hs
I think I know what the problem is. I'm missing camel-blueprint. Let me try installing that in karaf. -- View this message in context: Sent from the cxf-user mailing list archive at Nabble.

Issue trying to deploy my webservice bundle on karaf

2012-05-15 Thread sudha.hs
Hi, I'm running cxf 2.2.6/camel 2.9.2/karaf 2.27 versions. I have a bundle that uses blueprint namespace and exposes a webservice as camel route. This is the osgi context file."; xmlns:xsi="";

Re: Configure JSON provider in CXF DOSGI

2012-05-15 Thread Anthony Bargnesi
Sergey, Thanks for the tip. I indeed forgot an import of "org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs" in my service manifest. Now Jackson works when felix contains the jackson bundles. What can I do to continue debugging the jettison issues? I would like to figure out what is wrong there and if a bug may exis

RE: UsernameTokenValidator

2012-05-15 Thread Penmatsa, Vinay
It might be that UsernameTokenInterceptor is not populating the RequestData's msgcontext. Is this deliberate? UsernameTokenInterceptor.getPrincipal() line #178 -Vinay -Original Message- From: Penmatsa, Vinay [] Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 5:55 PM To: users


2012-05-15 Thread Penmatsa, Vinay
Hi, I just upgraded to 2.6 from 2.4.1 I had a custom UsernameTokenValidator where I override verifyDigestPassword(UsernameToken usernameToken, RequestData data). Within that I had the following code to get access to request object. ### SoapMessage soapMsg = (SoapMessage)data.getMsgContext();

Re: Configure JSON provider in CXF DOSGI

2012-05-15 Thread Sergey Beryozkin
Have a look at this email please: I think that if you import CXF JSONProvider or Jackson and register an instance, either as Object or (insid

Re: Configure JSON provider in CXF DOSGI

2012-05-15 Thread Anthony Bargnesi
It is DOSGI version 1.3.1. I tried all jettison versions back to 1.1 and received the same error. I also tried including Jackson in the felix container using the following dependencies: - jackson-core-lgpl-1.9.7.jar - jackson-jaxrs-1.9.7.jar - jackson-mapper-lgpl-1.9.7.jar - jackson-mrbean-1.9.7.

Re: Configure JSON provider in CXF DOSGI

2012-05-15 Thread Sergey Beryozkin
Hi, On 15/05/12 21:39, Anthony Bargnesi wrote: Sergey, Thanks for the quick reply. I thought that was the issue from another post . I added jettison 1.3.1 into the felix osgi container and received a different error. This

Re: Configure JSON provider in CXF DOSGI

2012-05-15 Thread Anthony Bargnesi
Sergey, Thanks for the quick reply. I thought that was the issue from another post . I added jettison 1.3.1 into the felix osgi container and received a different error. This one seems to be around writing JSON for my REST

Re: STS questions

2012-05-15 Thread Urmila & Sunil Bapat
The usecase was where the saml token was sent in WS-Security header as it was used as the security mechanism for the STS. I was able to configure wss4j as follows. This seemed to work, it validated the incoming SAML assertion and issued the new token. Does the following make sense? http://docs.

Re: Configure JSON provider in CXF DOSGI

2012-05-15 Thread Sergey Beryozkin
Hi, DOSGI does not ship a jettison library by default, so it needs to be installed and the DSW refreshed and it should solve the issue. Jackson or other providers can be registered if needed Cheers, Sergey On 15/05/12 21:17, Anthony Bargnesi wrote: Hello, I am not sure how to configure a JSO

Configure JSON provider in CXF DOSGI

2012-05-15 Thread Anthony Bargnesi
Hello, I am not sure how to configure a JSONProvider in CXF DOSGI. I have a single OSGI bundle that declares a REST interface and implementation. The REST interface is defined as: @Path("dashboard") public interface DashboardRS { @GET @Path("get") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JS

STSClient configuration

2012-05-15 Thread Urmila & Sunil Bapat
How do I configure the STSClient to pass in a existing SAML assertion? The scenario is that the STS is secured by a SAML assertion. Therefore to call the STS, we need to pass this SAML assertion. What properties and callbacks can I configure on the STSClient to send this SAML assertion in the heade

Re: CXF supporting scope

2012-05-15 Thread Gina Choi
Hi Oliver, > Neither the RST nor the RSTR are encrypted. It's planned for the next > release of the Fediz plugin to support encrypted token which are embedded > in RSTR. > > Is it required to support encrypted tokens initially? I should have this > functionality by end of may. > > You have to exp

Async call with cxf but IllegalStateException

2012-05-15 Thread jerryscott2012
Dear everyone : I encountered some problem with integrated with the cxf for async call. Hope someone could help me point out the mistakes. Here comes my interface definition as follows 1. the interface publish with @WebService annotation @WebService public interface ICardWebServiceProvid

Re: Serving Static content...

2012-05-15 Thread Tony Giaccone
Thank you for the clear and concise explanation. Rather than try and get the CXF servlet to serve static content, I instead configured jetty to serve the content. This solves the problem, and it's easy because I can easily bifurcate the URL name space with two different initial paths (service,

Re: Accessing Claims in a client

2012-05-15 Thread DTaylor
Thank you Colm I'll try that now. If this is the case, however, why would the token I have work for accessing the service? Thanks, Dan. -- View this message in context: Sent from the cxf-user mailing list archi

Re: CXF supporting scope

2012-05-15 Thread Gina Choi
Hi Oliver, Thanks for your response. >OK, didn't know that the URL is the same in ADFS. The reason for WS-Federation is that it's >security token agnostic (like the STS). This means that you can use SAML 1.1, SAML 2.0 or any >other security token format. The Fediz Plugin component provides extensi

Re: CXF supporting scope

2012-05-15 Thread Sergey Beryozkin
Hi Oli On 15/05/12 17:17, Oliver Wulff wrote: Hi Gina OK, didn't know that the URL is the same in ADFS. The reason for WS-Federation is that it's security token agnostic (like the STS). This means that you can use SAML 1.1, SAML 2.0 or any other security token format. The Fediz Plugin compone

RE: CXF supporting scope

2012-05-15 Thread Oliver Wulff
Hi Gina OK, didn't know that the URL is the same in ADFS. The reason for WS-Federation is that it's security token agnostic (like the STS). This means that you can use SAML 1.1, SAML 2.0 or any other security token format. The Fediz Plugin component provides extension points add support for oth

Re: Accessing Claims in a client

2012-05-15 Thread Colm O hEigeartaigh
You need to add an AttributeStatementProvider to your SAMLTokenProvider to populate an AttributeStatement. One is already available in the source to translate claims into an AttributeStatement:

Re: CXF supporting scope

2012-05-15 Thread Gina Choi
Hi Oliver, >Ask the ADFS administrator to provide you the url for the WS-Fed PRP endpoint in ADFS. This >URL must be configured in Fediz. ADFS2.0 support both WS-Federation and SAML2.0 Web SSO protocol and and the URLs are the same. I used SAML2.0 Web SSO while Fediz is using WS-Federation. That'

Re: Accessing Claims in a client

2012-05-15 Thread DTaylor
Hi Colm, I have attached the STS configuration. Thanks for your help, Dan. sts-conf.xml -- View this message in context: Sent from the cxf-user mailin

Re: Accessing Claims in a client

2012-05-15 Thread Colm O hEigeartaigh
What does your STS configuration look like? Colm. On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 2:27 PM, DTaylor wrote: > Hi Andrei, > > From what I can see, I'm not actually receiving any of the > AttributeStatements I requested as part of the token.  There should be > AttributeStatements for: > > http://.../ws/2005

Re: Signature problem after migrating an Apache CXF client from 2.2.6 to 2.4.7 and the same microsoft server on the serverside: "The signature or decryption was invalid"

2012-05-15 Thread Peti Koch
Colm, you saved my day! with setting "isBSPCompliant" to false... outProps.put(WSHandlerConstants.IS_BSP_COMPLIANT, Boolean.FALSE.toString()); ... the microsoft server can process my request. Thank you VERY VERY much! Best regards, Peti 2012/5/15 Colm O hEigeartaigh > What configuration are

RE: Accessing Claims in a client

2012-05-15 Thread DTaylor
Hi Andrei, >From what I can see, I'm not actually receiving any of the AttributeStatements I requested as part of the token. There should be AttributeStatements for: http://.../ws/2005/05/identity/claims/role http://.../ws/2005/05/identity/claims/surname http://.../ws/2005/05/identity/claims/giv

Re: Signature problem after migrating an Apache CXF client from 2.2.6 to 2.4.7 and the same microsoft server on the serverside: "The signature or decryption was invalid"

2012-05-15 Thread Colm O hEigeartaigh
What configuration are you using to generate the request? Try setting the following configuration property "isBSPCompliant" to "false" to see if it works - this will disable the InclusiveNamespaces stuff in CXF 2.4.7, in case this is causing the problem. Do you have access to more detailed loggin

Signature problem after migrating an Apache CXF client from 2.2.6 to 2.4.7 and the same microsoft server on the serverside: "The signature or decryption was invalid"

2012-05-15 Thread Peti Koch
Hi all, We are using a generated Apache CXF client 2.2.6 with WSS4J 1.5.8 to send encrypted and signed payload to a web service. The old request looks like this:";>

Re: Serving Static content...

2012-05-15 Thread Sergey Beryozkin
Hi Thanks for the detailed description, I'm forwarding the message to the users list, On 14/05/12 23:21, Tony Giaccone wrote: Hi, my first posting and I have looked over the mailing list and a host of other web sites but for the life of me I can't figure out how solve my problem. First a

Fediz License

2012-05-15 Thread ermanno.travaglino
Hi everybody, For a project i'm using fediz-core.jar and fediz-tomcat.jar. I'm writing the license agreement for this project. These jars are licensed under Apache License right? thanks in advance Ermanno -- View this message in context:

RE: Accessing Claims in a client

2012-05-15 Thread Andrei Shakirin
Hi Dan, > I am unable to get any of the Claims, the Principal or anything else that is > on this token. Can you access your claims via token DOM element: Element tokenElement = token.getToken(); ? Complete XML representation should be available there. You can try to put HTTP tracer between clie