CXF not generating attachments for mime:content

2017-02-10 Thread Jaiyasree
Hi am trying to send attachment in request SWA in CXF. wsdl has the below mime content part: But the

FIQL with objects containing Collection

2017-02-10 Thread javaworkinggirl
Hi. I have an object that contains a Collection. What is the FIQL syntax to filter on values in the Collection? I have tried: 'features==3' returns nothing even though the list does contain FeatureEntitlements that have 3 in the Collection of features 'features=gt=3' incorrectly returns every F

CXF w. JAXB databinding schema generation for validation

2017-02-10 Thread Koen Serneels
Hi. We use CXF via Spring as the JAX-WS impl and configured JAXB on the jaxws:client for databinding : We have a problem in which the outbound request XML that is generated is r

CXF STS ActAs / Advice Subject Handling

2017-02-10 Thread Stephen.CTR.Chappell
Hi - When I send an RST to my STS (CXF 2.7.14) to get a holder-of-key token with Advice, it looks like the token I get back has a Subject that matches the X509 cert in the Advice rather than its own cert. It looks like it's supposed to be this way based on what I see in DefaultSubjectProvider,